Man pages for WeightIt
Weighting for Covariate Balance in Observational Studies

as.weightitCreate a 'weightit' object manually
calibrateCalibrate Propensity Score Weights
dot-weightit_methodsWeighting methods
ESSCompute effective sample size of weighted sample
get_w_from_psCompute weights from propensity scores
glm_weightitFitting Weighted Generalized Linear Models
glm_weightit-methodsMethods for 'glm_weightit()' objects
make_full_rankMake a design matrix full rank
method_bartPropensity Score Weighting Using BART
method_cbpsCovariate Balancing Propensity Score Weighting
method_ebalEntropy Balancing
method_energyEnergy Balancing
method_gbmPropensity Score Weighting Using Generalized Boosted Models
method_glmPropensity Score Weighting Using Generalized Linear Models
method_iptInverse Probability Tilting
method_npcbpsNonparametric Covariate Balancing Propensity Score Weighting
method_optweightOptimization-Based Weighting
method_superPropensity Score Weighting Using SuperLearner
method_userUser-Defined Functions for Estimating Weights
msmdataSimulated data for a 3 time point sequential study
plot.weightitPlot information about the weight estimation process
predict.glm_weightitPredictions for 'glm_weightit' objects
sbpsSubgroup Balancing Propensity Score
summary.weightitPrint and Summarize Output
trimTrim (Winsorize) Large Weights
weightitEstimate Balancing Weights
weightit.fitGenerate Balancing Weights with Minimal Input Processing
weightitMSMGenerate Balancing Weights for Longitudinal Treatments
WeightIt-packageWeightIt: Weighting for Covariate Balance in Observational...
WeightIt documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:05 p.m.