Man pages for WienR
Derivatives of the First-Passage Time Density and Cumulative Distribution Function, and Random Sampling from the (Truncated) First-Passage Time Distribution

daWienerCDFPartial derivative of the first-passage time cumulative...
daWienerPDFPartial derivative of the first-passage time probability...
ddWDMWrapper function for the partial derivative of the...
dpWDMWrapper function for the partial derivative of the...
dst0WienerCDFPartial derivative of the first-passage time cumulative...
dst0WienerPDFPartial derivative of the first-passage time probability...
dsvWienerCDFPartial derivative of the first-passage time cumulative...
dsvWienerPDFPartial derivative of the first-passage time probability...
dswWienerCDFPartial derivative of the first-passage time cumulative...
dswWienerPDFPartial derivative of the first-passage time probability...
dt0WienerCDFPartial derivative of the first-passage time cumulative...
dt0WienerPDFPartial derivative of the first-passage time probability...
dtWienerPDFPartial derivative of the first-passage time probability...
dvWienerCDFPartial derivative of the first-passage time cumulative...
dvWienerPDFPartial derivative of the first-passage time probability...
dwWienerCDFPartial derivative of the first-passage time cumulative...
dwWienerPDFPartial derivative of the first-passage time probability...
gradWienerCDFGradient of the first-passage time cumulative distribution...
gradWienerPDFGradient of the first-passage time probability density...
sampWienerRandom sampling from the Wiener diffusion model
WienerCDFFirst-passage time cumulative distribution function of the...
WienerPDFFirst-passage time probability density function of the...
WienR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:48 a.m.