
# # ----------- Validation checks -----------
# # Below are the queries used to generate sysdata.rda within the R package
# # Ideally run these on startup or something? The parameters will change not frequently.
# # Useful for checking whether quickstatements inputs will be valid to warn early.
# .onAttach <- function(){
#   message('Updating key variables from wikidata (estimated time <1 min)')
#   # Valid reference source properties
#   message(' ... Checking valid reference source properties')
#   sparql_query <- 'SELECT ?Wikidata_property_to_indicate_a_source ?Wikidata_property_to_indicate_a_sourceLabel WHERE {
#                       SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
#                       ?Wikidata_property_to_indicate_a_source wdt:P31 wd:Q18608359.
#                    }'
#   SID.valid <- query_wikidata(sparql_query)
#   # The required data type for each property
#   message(' ... Checking required data type for each property')
#   sparql_query <- 'SELECT ?property ?propertyLabel ?wbtype WHERE {
#                       SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
#                       ?property rdf:type               wikibase:Property.
#                       ?property wikibase:propertyType  ?wbtype.
#                    }'
#   PID.datatype <- query_wikidata(sparql_query)
#   PID.datatype$wbtype <- gsub("ontology#","",PID.datatype$wbtype)
#   # The expected regex match for each property
#   message(' ... Checking expected regex match for each property')
#   # Those with a 'format as a regular expression' (P1793) listed as a qualifier of their 'property constraint' (P2302)
#   sparql_query1 <- 'SELECT DISTINCT ?Wikidata_property ?Wikidata_propertyLabel ?fmt WHERE {
#                       SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
#                       ?Wikidata_property wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q18616576.
#                       ?Wikidata_property p:P2302 [pq:P1793 ?fmt].
#                     }'
#   # Those with a 'format as a regular expression' (P1793) only listed as a property statement
#   sparql_query2 <- 'SELECT DISTINCT ?Wikidata_property ?Wikidata_propertyLabel ?fmt WHERE {
#                       SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
#                       ?Wikidata_property wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q18616576.
#                       ?Wikidata_property wdt:P1793 ?fmt
#                       MINUS{?Wikidata_property p:P2302 [pq:P1793 ?fmtmain]}.
#                    }'
#   PID.constraint  <- add_row(query_wikidata(sparql_query1),
#                              query_wikidata(sparql_query2))
#   # Language abbreviations
#   message(' ... Checking language abbreviations')
#   sparql_query <- 'SELECT ?abbrev WHERE {
#                       ?language wdt:P305 ?abbrev.
#                    }'
#   lang.abbrev <- query_wikidata(sparql_query)
#   # Language abbreviations for current wikis
#   message(' ... Checking language abbreviations for current wikis')
#   sparql_query <- 'SELECT ?abbrev WHERE {
#                       ?Wikipedia_language_edition wdt:P31 wd:Q10876391.
#                       ?Wikipedia_language_edition wdt:P424 ?abbrev.
#                    }'
#   lang.abbrev.wiki <- query_wikidata(sparql_query)
#   # Wikimedia abbreviations for current wikis
#   message(' ... Checking Wikimedia abbreviations for current wikis')
#   sparql_query <- 'SELECT ?abbrev WHERE {
#                       ?Wiki_edition wdt:P1800 ?abbrev.
#                    }'
#   abbrev.wiki <- query_wikidata(sparql_query)
#   # #example
#   # grep(as.matrix(PID.constraint[PID.constraint$Wikidata_property=="P968","fmt"]),
#   #      "mailto:t.shafee@gmail.com",
#   #      perl=TRUE)
#   assign(x = "WD.globalvar",
#          envir = .GlobalEnv,
#          value = list(SID.valid        = SID.valid,
#                       PID.datatype     = PID.datatype,
#                       PID.constraint   = PID.constraint,
#                       lang.abbrev      = lang.abbrev,
#                       lang.abbrev.wiki = lang.abbrev.wiki,
#                       abbrev.wiki      = abbrev.wiki)
#   )
#   message('Update complete (data saved as WD.globalvar)')
# }

# # Below used to save as system data within an R package
# save(list="WD.globalvar",file="R//sysdata.rda", compress = "xz")

Try the WikidataR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

WikidataR documentation built on Nov. 16, 2021, 5:07 p.m.