xbrlDoAll: Function to do all required work on an XBRL instance and its...

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xbrlDoAllR Documentation

Function to do all required work on an XBRL instance and its associated DTS.


xbrlDoAll performs all the steps necessary to extract a list of dataframes, starting from an XBRL instance file. xbrlDoAll offers the highest level of abstraction from the required steps. A medium-level access can be achieved by using XBRL. A low-level access can be achieved by using the functions related to xbrlParse.


xbrlDoAll(file.inst, cache.dir = "xbrl.Cache", prefix.out = NULL,
          verbose = FALSE, delete.cached.inst = TRUE)



the name of the instance file


the name of a local directory to be used as a cache of discovered taxonomies. if NULL, no cache is performed


if given, prefix used to create csv files with the content of the data frames produced


Set to TRUE to see output of the process of discovery and analysis if documents


Set to TRUE to delete downloaded instance, schema and linkbase files


a list of data frames with extracted information


Roberto Bertolusso and Marek Kimmel

See Also

XBRL, xbrlParse


## Not run: 
## Setting stringsAsFactors = FALSE is highly recommended
## to avoid data frames to create factors from character vectors.
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

## XBRL instance file to be analyzed, accessed
## directly from SEC website:
inst <- "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/21344/000002134413000050/ko-20130927.xml"

xbrl.vars <- xbrlDoAll(inst, cache.dir="XBRLcache", prefix.out="out", verbose=TRUE)

## End(Not run)

XBRL documentation built on March 29, 2022, 1:05 a.m.