clothes2: Defective number per unit

Description Usage Format Examples


The data give a nonconformities number in a clothes process in a variable sample




A data frame with 90 observations and two variables.


a numeric vector of integer number of nonconformities in a sample


a numeric vector of sample size



Example output

[1] "Proceso fuera de Control en Grafica U"
 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29
[26] 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
[51] 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
[76] 80 81 82 83 85 86 87 89 90

[1] 88 11 12 23 24 84

[1] 1

    n   d
1  50 128
2  50 102
3  45 106
4  44  83
5  40 100
6  39  95
7  50 111
8  50 116
9  55 151
10 55  94
11 38 134
12 37 118
13 40 102
14 50 102
15 50 131
16 60 136
17 60 107
18 60 162
19 59 130
20 55 116
21 54 120
22 51 125
23 55 190
24 55 185
25 55  98
26 56 138
27 56 155
28 56 138
29 59 129
30 59 123
31 53 117
32 55 113
33 54 103
34 50 116
35 50 112
36 55 107
37 55 108
38 54 141
39 60 167
40 60 134
41 60 114
42 60 123
43 60 161
44 50 136
45 50 115
46 49 121
47 55 105
48 55 104
49 60 114
50 60 140
51 61 137
52 62 168
53 55 115
54 49  86
55 50 102
56 50  97
57 50  98
58 51 128
59 53 103
60 56 142
61 61 138
62 55 110
63 50  87
64 53 120
65 54  99
66 55 142
67 52  90
68 50 138
69 60 148
70 61 117
71 60 119
72 50  86
73 55 123
74 55 111
75 54 115
76 53 141
77 57 124
78 61 146
79 60 122
80 60 129
81 55 104
82 54  99
83 41 105
84 42 129
85 53  93
86 56 135
87 58 108
88 57  88
89 51  91
90 48 119

 [1] 2.560000 2.040000 2.355556 1.886364 2.500000 2.435897 2.220000 2.320000
 [9] 2.745455 1.709091 2.550000 2.040000 2.620000 2.266667 1.783333 2.700000
[17] 2.203390 2.109091 2.222222 2.450980 1.781818 2.464286 2.767857 2.464286
[25] 2.186441 2.084746 2.207547 2.054545 1.907407 2.320000 2.240000 1.945455
[33] 1.963636 2.611111 2.783333 2.233333 1.900000 2.050000 2.683333 2.720000
[41] 2.300000 2.469388 1.909091 1.890909 1.900000 2.333333 2.245902 2.709677
[49] 2.090909 1.755102 2.040000 1.940000 1.960000 2.509804 1.943396 2.535714
[57] 2.262295 2.000000 1.740000 2.264151 1.833333 2.581818 1.730769 2.760000
[65] 2.466667 1.918033 1.983333 1.720000 2.236364 2.018182 2.129630 2.660377
[73] 2.175439 2.393443 2.033333 2.150000 1.890909 1.833333 2.560976 1.754717
[81] 2.410714 1.862069 1.784314 2.479167

[1] 1

$`Limites de Control Grafica U`
   LCI.u    LCS.u     LC.u 
1.643497 2.876564 2.260031 

$`Conclusion del proceso`
[1] "Proceso fuera de Control en Grafica U"

XRSCC documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:11 a.m.