Man pages for YPPE
Yang and Prentice Model with Piecewise Exponential Baseline Distribution

coefGeneric S3 method coef
coef-methodsEstimated regression coefficients
confintGeneric S3 method confint
confint-methodsConfidence intervals for the regression coefficients
crossTimeGeneric S3 method crossTime
crossTime-methodsComputes the crossing survival times
gastricGastric cancer data set
ipassIRESSA Pan-Asia Study (IPASS) data set
print.summary.yppePrint the summary.yppe output
summary.yppeSummary for the yppe model
survfitGeneric S3 method survfit
survfit-methodsSurvival function for the YPPE model
timeGridTime grid
vcovGeneric S3 method vcov
vcov-methodsCovariance of the regression coefficients
yppeFits the Yang and Prentice model with baseline distribution...
YPPE-packageThe 'YPPE' package.
YPPE documentation built on Jan. 10, 2020, 1:08 a.m.