Man pages for ZIPBayes
Bayesian Methods in the Analysis of Zero-Inflated Poisson Model

datasimToy example data - main study only
datasimExtToy example data - main study and external validation study
datasimIntToy example data - main study and internal validation study
summary.ZIPBayesSummarizing the trace output from the MCMC algorithm
ZIPzero-inflated Poisson model
ZIPBayes-packageBayesian Methods in Zero-inflated Poisson Model
ZIPExtZero-inflated Poisson model under measurement error and...
ZIPIntZero-inflated Poisson model under measurement error and...
ZIPMErrZero-inflated Poisson model with measurement error
ZIPBayes documentation built on Nov. 25, 2021, 9:06 a.m.