Man pages for ZetaSuite
Analyze High-Dimensional High-Throughput Dataset and Quality Control Single-Cell RNA-Seq

countMatSubsampled data from in-house HTS2 screening for global...
countMatSCThe cell x gene matrix from single-cell RNA-seq.
EventCoverageGeneration of Zeta Plot.
FDRcutoffFind a cut-off according to screen strength.
negGeneInput negative file.
nonExpGeneInput internal negative control file.
posGeneInput positive file.
QCQuality control of input datasets.
SVMFind a SVM curve to separate positive and negative controls.
SVMcurveThe SVM curve lines in Zeta-plot.
ZetaCalculation of zeta and weighted zeta score.
ZetaSuitSCCalculation of zeta score for single cell RNA-seq.
ZscoreZ-transformation for input matrix.
ZseqListThe bin size for Zeta calculation.
ZetaSuite documentation built on May 25, 2022, 9:05 a.m.