countMatSC: The cell x gene matrix from single-cell RNA-seq.

countMatSCR Documentation

The cell x gene matrix from single-cell RNA-seq.


A scRNA-seq dataset generated from placenta that has been analyzed with CellRanger and used to develop EmptyDrops. We have subsampled the genes from the real datasets to generated the matrix.




A data frame with 1090 cells and 10000 genes. This is the subset of data obtained from single-cell RNAseq for package testing. Each row represents one cell detected in single-cell RNA-seq, each column is one gene in detected cells. The values in the matrix are the raw read counts from single-cell RNAseq.

A data frame with 1090 cells and 10000 genes.This is the subset of data obtained from single-cell RNAseq for package testing.


This data frame is the generated by single-cell RNA-seq.



ZetaSuite documentation built on May 25, 2022, 9:05 a.m.