Man pages for abcADM
Fit Accumulated Damage Models and Estimate Reliability using ABC

abcMCMCABC-MCMC for load duration experiment data
catConstantsDisplay the current constants
constLoad_4500_1YExample data with tau_c = 4500 and t_c = 1Y (8760 hours)
default_paramDefault theta
print_LoadProfilePrint the load profile parameters
sample_load_profileResidential load profile
set_LoadProfileSet load profile
set_returnPeriodSet end time of reliability assessment
set_simuSampleSizeSet the number of simulated samples
set_timeStepSet time step
simu_failTimeSimulate samples of failure time using parameters theta
solveCanADMSimulate the time-to-failures given theta (posterior samples)...
abcADM documentation built on Nov. 13, 2019, 5:08 p.m.