Man pages for abe
Augmented Backward Elimination

abeAugmented Backward Elimination
abe.bootBootstrapped Augmented Backward Elimination
abe.fact1ABE for model which includes categorical covariates, factor...
abe.fact1.bootABE for model which includes categorical covariates, factor...
abe.fact2ABE for model which includes categorical covariates,...
abe.fact2.bootABE for model which includes categorical covariates,...
abe.numABE for models which include only numeric covariates
abe.num.bootABE for model which include only numeric covariates,...
my_grepgrep function changed
my_greplgrepl function changed
my_updateupdate function which searches for objects within the parent...
my_update2update function which searches for objects within the parent...
my_update_bootupdate function which searches for objects within the parent...
plot.abePlot Function
summary.abeSummary Function
abe documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:49 a.m.