Man pages for acebayes
Optimal Bayesian Experimental Design using the ACE Algorithm

aceApproximate Coordinate Exchange (ACE) Algorithm
acebayes-packageOptimal Bayesian Experimental Design using the Approximate...
aceglmApproximate Coordinate Exchange (ACE) Algorithm for...
acenlmApproximate Coordinate Exchange (ACE) Algorithm for...
aceobjectsPrint and Summary of 'ace' and 'pace' Objects
assessCompares two designs under the approximate expected utility
assessobjectsPrint and Summary of 'assess' Objects
overstallwoodsFunctions implementing the examples of Overstall & Woods...
plot.acePlot 'ace' Objects
plot.assessPlot 'assess' Objects
utilitiesApproximate expected utility function for generalised linear...
acebayes documentation built on Oct. 23, 2020, 8:27 p.m.