evouniparam: Parametric Indices of Phylogenetic Uniqueness

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evouniparamR Documentation

Parametric Indices of Phylogenetic Uniqueness


Function evouniparam calculates phylogenetic uniqueness in communities using parametric indices derived from Tsallis and Hill compositional indices. evouniparam can also be applied to functional trees rather than phylogenies, to calculate a functional uniqueness. The function plot.evouniparam plots the results of function evouniparam.


evouniparam(phyl, comm, 
    method = c("hill", "tsallis", "renyi"), 
    q = 2, tol = 1e-08)

## S3 method for class 'evouniparam'
plot(x, legend = TRUE, 
    legendposi = "topright", 
    axisLABEL = "Tree-based uniqueness",
    type="b", col = if(is.numeric(x)) NULL 
    else sample(colors(distinct = TRUE), nrow(x$uni)), 
    lty = if(is.numeric(x)) NULL else rep(1, nrow(x$uni)), 
    pch = if(is.numeric(x)) NULL else rep(19, nrow(x$uni)), 



an object inheriting the class phylo (see package ape), phylo4 (see package phylobase), or hclust.


a data frame or a matrix typically with communities as rows, species as columns and abundance as entry. Species should be labeled as in the phylogenetic tree where they are the tips.


a string: either "hill" for the Hill numbers (Hill 1973), "tsallis" for the Tsallis or HCDT entropy (Harvda and Charvat 1967; Daroczy 1970; Tsallis 1988), or "renyi" for Renyi's entropy (Renyi 1960). If several values are given, only the first one is considered. See details.


a vector with nonnegative value(s) for parameter q. See details.


numeric tolerance threshold: values between -tol and tol are considered equal to zero.


an object of class evouniparam obtained with function evouniparam.


a logical. If TRUE a legend is given with the colour, the type of line (etc.) used to define the uniqueness curve of each community.


a string that gives the position of the legend to be passed to function legend of the base of R.


a string to display on the main axis of the plot to designate what we are measuring. The default is "Tree-based uniqueness".


a string to be passed to the graphic argument type of functions plot and lines used to draw the uniqueness curve of each community.


vector of colours to be passed to the graphic argument col of functions plot and lines to define the colour of the uniqueness curve of each community.


vector of type of line (plain, broken etc.) to be passed to the graphic argument lty of functions plot and lines used to draw the uniqueness curve of each community.


type of point (open circle, close circle, square etc.) to be passed to the graphic argument pch of functions plot and lines used to draw the uniqueness level of each community.


other arguments can be added and passed to the functions plot and lines used to draw the graphic.


Function evouniparam calculates feature uniqueness (features = branch units on a phylogenetic [or functional] tree) using parametric indices qfuniHCDT (with method=tsallis), qfuniHill (with method=hill), qfuniRenyi (with method=renyi) developed in Pavoine and Ricotta (2019). Note that Pavoine and Ricotta (2019) recommend the use of index qfuniHill (with method=hill).


If only one value of q is given, the function evouniparam returns a vector with the phylogenetic uniqueness of each community. If more than one value of q is given, a list of two objects is returned:


the vector of values for q;


a data frame with the phylogenetic uniqueness in each community calculated for all values of q.

The function plot.evouniparam returns a graphic.


Sandrine Pavoine sandrine.pavoine@mnhn.fr


The methodologies and scripts were developed by

Pavoine, S., Ricotta, C. (2019) A simple translation from indices of species diversity to indices of phylogenetic diversity. Ecological Indicators, 101, 552–561.

using earlier work by:

Chao, A., Chiu, C.-H., Jost, L. (2010) Phylogenetic diversity measures based on Hill numbers. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London Series B, 365, 3599–3609.

Daroczy, Z. (1970) Generalized information functions. Information and Control, 16, 36–51.

Havrda, M., Charvat F. (1967) Quantification method of classification processes: concept of structural alpha- entropy. Kybernetik, 3, 30–35.

Hill, M.O. (1973) Diversity and evenness: a unifying notation and its consequences. Ecology, 54, 427–432.

Pavoine, S. (2016) A guide through a family of phylogenetic dissimilarity measures among sites. Oikos, 125, 1719–1732.

Renyi, A. (1960) On measures of entropy and information. Proceedings of the Fourth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, 1, 547–561.

Tsallis, C. (1988) Possible generalization of Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics. Journal of Statistical Physics, 52, 480–487.

See Also

evodivparam, evoeveparam


## Not run: 

phy <- read.tree(text=batcomm$tre)
ab <- batcomm$ab[, phy$tip.label]
plot(evouniparam(phy, ab))
plot(evouniparam(phy, ab, q=seq(0, 10, length=20)))


## End(Not run)

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