knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" )
This article describes about creating ADFACE
ADaM dataset which is
part of Vaccine - Reactogenicity based on the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) guidelines.
See the below links for more information:
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) Guidelines
Therapeutic Area Data Standards User Guide for Vaccines (TAUG-Vax)
Examples are currently tested using ADSL
(ADaM) and
, vs
, ex
(SDTM) inputs.
Note: All examples assume CDISC SDTM and/or ADaM format as input unless otherwise specified.
with EX
Variables Needed for AnalysisVS
To start, all data frames needed for the creation of ADFACE
should be read into
the environment. Some of the data frames needed are VS
and FACE
library(admiral) library(admiralvaccine) library(admiraldev) library(pharmaversesdtm) library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE) library(lubridate) library(stringr) library(tidyr) library(tibble) data("face_vaccine") data("suppface_vaccine") data("ex_vaccine") data("suppex_vaccine") data("vs_vaccine") data("admiralvaccine_adsl") face <- convert_blanks_to_na(face_vaccine) ex <- convert_blanks_to_na(ex_vaccine) vs <- convert_blanks_to_na(vs_vaccine) suppface <- convert_blanks_to_na(suppface_vaccine) suppex <- convert_blanks_to_na(suppex_vaccine) adsl <- convert_blanks_to_na(admiralvaccine_adsl)
This step involves company-specific pre-processing of required input dataset for
further analysis. In this step, we will filter records that has only reactogenicity events and
combine the face
and ex
with their supplementary datasets suppface
and suppex
face <- face %>% filter(FACAT == "REACTOGENICITY" & grepl("ADMIN|SYS", FASCAT)) %>% mutate(FAOBJ = str_to_upper(FAOBJ)) %>% metatools::combine_supp(suppface) ex <- metatools::combine_supp(ex, suppex)
dataset_vignette( face, display_vars = exprs(USUBJID, FAOBJ, FATESTCD, FACAT, FASCAT, FATPTREF, FADTC) )
with EX
{#merge}In this step, we will merge face
with ex
domain and add required variables from ex
domain to the input dataset. If subjects have multiple vaccination at same visit then this function will not merge input dataset with ex
dataset and throws a warning.
The function derive_vars_merged_vaccine()
is used to merge face
with ex
adface <- derive_vars_merged_vaccine( dataset = face, dataset_ex = ex, by_vars_sys = exprs(USUBJID, FATPTREF = EXLNKGRP), by_vars_adms = exprs(USUBJID, FATPTREF = EXLNKGRP, FALOC = EXLOC, FALAT = EXLAT), ex_vars = exprs(EXTRT, EXDOSE, EXSEQ, EXSTDTC, EXENDTC, VISIT, VISITNUM) )
dataset_vignette( adface, display_vars = exprs(USUBJID, FAOBJ, FATESTCD, FATPTREF, EXTRT) )
This call would return the input dataset with columns from ex_vars
added if the subjects does not have multiple vaccination at same visit.
Though the function will throw warning if subjects have multiple vaccination at same visit, this call would return the input dataset merging it with supplementary dataset.
Variables Needed for Analysis {#adsl}At this step, it may be useful to join ADSL
to your face
domain. Only the
variables used for derivations are selected at this step. The rest of the
relevant ADSL
variables would be added later.
adsl_vars <- exprs(RFSTDTC, RFENDTC) adface <- derive_vars_merged( face, dataset_add = adsl, new_vars = adsl_vars, by_vars = get_admiral_option("subject_keys") )
dataset_vignette( adface, display_vars = exprs(USUBJID, RFSTDTC, RFENDTC) )
This call would return the input dataset with columns RFSTDTC
Domain {#fever}In this step, we will merge fever records from the VS
domain with the input dataset if the fever records does not present in the input dataset.
The function derive_fever_records()
is used to merge fever records. These records will also be used in maximum temperature calculation.
adface <- derive_fever_records( dataset = adface, dataset_source = ungroup(vs), filter_source = VSCAT == "REACTOGENICITY" & VSTESTCD == "TEMP", faobj = "FEVER" )
dataset_vignette( adface, display_vars = exprs(USUBJID, FAOBJ, FATESTCD, FAORRES, VSSTRESN), filter = FAOBJ == "FEVER" )
This call returns the input dataset with FEVER
records added if the input dataset does not have FEVER
records. If the input dataset has FEVER
records, the output dataset will be same as the input dataset.
) {#datetime}The function derive_vars_dt()
can be used to derive ADT
. This function allows
the user to impute the date as well.
Similarly, ADTM
can be created using the function derive_vars_dtm()
Imputation can be done on both the date and time components of ADTM
Example calls:
adface <- adface %>% derive_vars_dt( new_vars_prefix = "A", dtc = FADTC ) %>% derive_vars_dtm( new_vars_prefix = "A", dtc = FADTC, highest_imputation = "n" )
Once ADT
is derived, the function derive_vars_dy()
can be used to derive ADY
This example assumes both ADT
exist on the data frame.
adface <- adface %>% mutate(RFSTDTC = as.Date(RFSTDTC)) %>% derive_vars_dy(reference_date = RFSTDTC, source_vars = exprs(ADT))
dataset_vignette( adface, display_vars = exprs(USUBJID, FATPTREF, FAOBJ, ADT, ADTM, ADY) )
, ...) {#periodvars}The {admiral}
core package has separate functions to handle period variables since these variables are study specific.
See the "Visit and Period Variables" vignette for more information.
If the variables are not derived based on a period reference dataset, they may be derived at a later point of the flow. For example, phases like "Treatment Phase" and "Follow up" could be derived based on treatment start and end date.
period_ref <- create_period_dataset( dataset = adsl, new_vars = exprs( APERSDT = APxxSDT, APEREDT = APxxEDT, TRTA = TRTxxA, TRTP = TRTxxP ) ) adface <- derive_vars_joined( adface, dataset_add = period_ref, by_vars = get_admiral_option("subject_keys"), filter_join = ADT >= APERSDT & ADT <= APEREDT, join_type = "all" )
dataset_vignette( adface, display_vars = exprs(USUBJID, APERSDT, APEREDT, TRTA, TRTP) )
In this step,we will create the user defined function to assign AVAL
values from AVALC
will be used in further steps.
The user defined functions would look like the following:
sev_to_numeric <- function(x, y) { case_when( x == "NONE" ~ 0, x == "MILD" ~ 1, x == "MODERATE" ~ 2, x == "SEVERE" ~ 3, TRUE ~ y ) }
The mapping of these variables is left to the User. An example mapping may be:
adface <- adface %>% mutate( AVALC = as.character(FASTRESC), AVAL = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(FASTRESN)), AVAL = sev_to_numeric(AVALC, AVAL), ATPTREF = FATPTREF, ATPT = FATPT, ATPTN = FATPTNUM )
dataset_vignette( adface, display_vars = exprs(USUBJID, FAOBJ, AVAL, AVALC, ATPTREF, ATPTN) )
Creating ANL01FL which would flag the records that will be considered for analysis and if there is any Investigator and Subject record for the same day, it would flag the Investigator record over the subject record.
Note: Please, consider which assessment is needed for your analysis. If you want to prioritize Investigator assessment, please proceed as follows. Otherwise, change FAEVAL order.
adface <- adface %>% derive_var_extreme_flag( by = exprs(STUDYID, USUBJID, FATPTREF, FAOBJ, FATESTCD, FATPTNUM), order = exprs(STUDYID, USUBJID, FATPTREF, FAOBJ, FATESTCD, FATPTNUM, FAEVAL), new_var = ANL01FL, mode = "first", true_value = "Y", false_value = NA_character_ )
dataset_vignette( adface, display_vars = exprs(USUBJID, FAOBJ, ATPTREF, FATESTCD, FATEST, AVAL, ANL01FL), filter = ANL01FL == "Y" )
The function derive_diam_to_sev_records()
is used to derive the severity records from the diameter records for an event.
The severity records created will be useful for calculating the maximum severity.
adface <- derive_diam_to_sev_records( dataset = adface, filter_add = ANL01FL == "Y", diam_code = "DIAMETER", faobj_values = c("REDNESS", "SWELLING"), testcd_sev = "SEV", test_sev = "Severity/Intensity", none = 0, mild = 2, mod = 5, sev = 10 )
dataset_vignette( adface, display_vars = exprs(USUBJID, FAOBJ, ATPTREF, FATESTCD, FATEST, AVAL, AVALC), filter = FATESTCD == "SEV" )
This call returns the input dataset with severity records derived from the diameter records for an event.
By default, we will populate SEV
and Severity/Intensity
for the newly added records. The function allows the user to change the FATESTCD
as well.
In this step, we will derive maximum records for severity, diameter, temperature using the function derive_extreme_records()
adface <- derive_extreme_records( dataset = adface, dataset_add = adface, filter_add = FATESTCD == "SEV" & ANL01FL == "Y", by_vars = exprs(USUBJID, FAOBJ, ATPTREF), order = exprs(AVAL), check_type = "none", mode = "last", set_values_to = exprs( FATEST = "Maximum Severity", FATESTCD = "MAXSEV" ) ) adface <- derive_extreme_records( dataset = adface, dataset_add = adface, filter_add = FAOBJ %in% c("REDNESS", "SWELLING") & FATESTCD == "DIAMETER" & ANL01FL == "Y", by_vars = exprs(USUBJID, FAOBJ, FALNKGRP), order = exprs(AVAL), check_type = "none", mode = "last", set_values_to = exprs( FATEST = "Maximum Diameter", FATESTCD = "MAXDIAM" ) ) adface <- derive_extreme_records( dataset = adface, dataset_add = adface, filter_add = FAOBJ == "FEVER" & ANL01FL == "Y", by_vars = exprs(USUBJID, FAOBJ, ATPTREF), order = exprs(VSSTRESN), check_type = "none", mode = "last", set_values_to = exprs( FATEST = "Maximum Temperature", FATESTCD = "MAXTEMP" ) )
dataset_vignette( adface, display_vars = exprs(USUBJID, FAOBJ, ATPTREF, FATESTCD, FATEST, AVAL, AVALC), filter = FATESTCD %in% c("MAXSEV", "MAXDIAM", "MAXTEMP") )
This call returns the input dataset with maximum records added for the severity, diameter, temperature.
{#paramcd}To assign parameter level values such as PARAMCD
etc., a lookup needs to be created to join to the source data.
variables are assigned from FACAT
For example, when creating ADFACE
dataset, a lookup based on the SDTM --TESTCD
value can be created:
--------- | --------- | -------- | -------
SEV | SEVREDN | 1 | Severity | Redness
DIAMETER | DIARE | 2 | Diameter | Redness
MAXDIAM | MDIRE | 3 | Maximum Diameter cm | Redness
MAXTEMP | MAXTEMP | 4 | Maximum Temperature | Fever
MAXSEV | MAXSWEL | 5 | Maximum Severity | Swelling
OCCUR | OCFEVER | 6 | Occurrence Indicator | Fever
OCCUR | OCERYTH | 7 | Occurrence Indicator | Erythema
SEV | SEVPAIN | 8 | Severity | Pain at Injection site
OCCUR | OCPAIN | 9 | Occurrence Indicator | Pain at Injection site
OCCUR | OCSWEL | 10 | Occurrence Indicator | Swelling
This lookup can now be joined to the source data:
lookup_dataset <- tribble( ~FATESTCD, ~PARAMCD, ~PARAMN, ~FATEST, ~FAOBJ, "SEV", "SEVREDN", 1, "Severity/Intensity", "REDNESS", "DIAMETER", "DIARE", 2, "Diameter", "REDNESS", "MAXDIAM", "MDIRE", 3, "Maximum Diameter", "REDNESS", "MAXTEMP", "MAXTEMP", 4, "Maximum Temperature", "FEVER", "OCCUR", "OCFEVER", 5, "Occurrence Indicator", "FEVER", "OCCUR", "OCERYTH", 6, "Occurrence Indicator", "ERYTHEMA", "MAXSEV", "MAXSWEL", 7, "Maximum Severity", "SWELLING", "MAXSEV", "MAXREDN", 8, "Maximum Severity", "REDNESS", "MAXSEV", "MAXSFAT", 9, "Maximum Severity", "FATIGUE", "MAXSEV", "MAXSHEA", 10, "Maximum Severity", "HEADACHE", "MAXSEV", "MSEVNWJP", 11, "Maximum Severity", "NEW OR WORSENED JOINT PAIN", "MAXSEV", "MSEVNWMP", 12, "Maximum Severity", "NEW OR WORSENED MUSCLE PAIN", "OCCUR", "OCISR", 13, "Occurrence Indicator", "REDNESS", "OCCUR", "OCINS", 14, "Occurrence Indicator", "SWELLING", "OCCUR", "OCPIS", 15, "Occurrence Indicator", "PAIN AT INJECTION SITE", "OCCUR", "OCFATIG", 16, "Occurrence Indicator", "FATIGUE", "OCCUR", "OCHEAD", 17, "Occurrence Indicator", "HEADACHE", "OCCUR", "OCCHILLS", 18, "Occurrence Indicator", "CHILLS", "OCCUR", "OCDIAR", 19, "Occurrence Indicator", "DIARRHEA", "OCCUR", "OCCNWJP", 20, "Occurrence Indicator", "NEW OR WORSENED JOINT PAIN", "OCCUR", "OCCNWMP", 21, "Occurrence Indicator", "NEW OR WORSENED MUSCLE PAIN", "SEV", "SEVSWEL", 22, "Severity/Intensity", "SWELLING", "SEV", "SEVPIS", 23, "Severity/Intensity", "PAIN AT INJECTION SITE", "SEV", "SEVFAT", 24, "Severity/Intensity", "FATIGUE", "SEV", "SEVHEAD", 25, "Severity/Intensity", "HEADACHE", "SEV", "SEVDIAR", 26, "Severity/Intensity", "DIARRHEA", "SEV", "SEVNWJP", 27, "Severity/Intensity", "NEW OR WORSENED JOINT PAIN", "SEV", "SEVNWMP", 28, "Severity/Intensity", "NEW OR WORSENED MUSCLE PAIN", "MAXDIAM", "MDISW", 29, "Maximum Diameter", "SWELLING", "MAXSEV", "MAXSPIS", 30, "Maximum Severity", "PAIN AT INJECTION SITE", "OCCUR", "OCCVOM", 31, "Occurrence Indicator", "VOMITING", "DIAMETER", "DIASWEL", 32, "Diameter", "SWELLING" )
adface <- derive_vars_params( dataset = adface, lookup_dataset = lookup_dataset, merge_vars = exprs(PARAMCD, PARAMN) )
dataset_vignette( adface, display_vars = exprs(USUBJID, FAOBJ, ATPTREF, FATEST, PARAMCD, PARAM, PARAMN, PARCAT1, PARCAT2) )
will be always derived from lookup dataset whereas PARAMN
can be either derived from lookup dataset if mentioned in merge_vars
argument or derived in the function.
The function derive_vars_max_flag()
is used to derive flag variable for the maximum values of an event.
- Flags the maximum value per subject per event per Vaccination.
- Flags the maximum value per subject per event for Overall.
adface <- derive_vars_max_flag( dataset = adface, flag1 = "ANL02FL", flag2 = "ANL03FL" )
dataset_vignette( adface, display_vars = exprs(USUBJID, FAOBJ, ATPTREF, AVAL, AVALC, ANL01FL, ANL02FL) )
This call would return the input dataset with columns ANL02FL
added by default.
This function allows the user to change the name of the new variables created.
The function derive_vars_event_flag()
is used to derive flag variable for the events that occurred.
- Flags the record if at least one of the event occurred within the observation period.
- Flags the record if the event is occurred.
adface <- derive_vars_event_flag( dataset = adface, by_vars = exprs(USUBJID, FAOBJ, ATPTREF), aval_cutoff = 2.5, new_var1 = EVENTFL, new_var2 = EVENTDFL )
dataset_vignette( adface, display_vars = exprs(USUBJID, FAOBJ, ATPTREF, AVAL, AVALC, EVENTFL, EVENTDFL) )
This call would return the input dataset with columns EVENTFL
added by default.
This function allows the user to change the name of the new variables created as well.
In this step, we will remove values for all the derived records in SDTM variables.
adface <- post_process_reacto( dataset = adface, filter_dataset = FATESTCD %in% c("MAXDIAM", "MAXSEV", "MAXTEMP") | (FATESTCD %in% c("OCCUR", "SEV") & FAOBJ %in% c("FEVER", "REDNESS", "SWELLING")) )
If needed, the other ADSL
variables can now be added.
List of ADSL variables already merged held in vector adsl_vars
adsl <- adsl %>% convert_blanks_to_na() %>% filter(! adface <- derive_vars_merged( dataset = adface, dataset_add = select(adsl, !!!negate_vars(adsl_vars)), by_vars = get_admiral_option("subject_keys") )
dataset_vignette( adface, display_vars = exprs(USUBJID, TRTSDT, TRTEDT, AGE, SEX) )
ADaM | Sample Code ---- | -------------- ADFACE | ad_adface.R{target="_blank"}
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