Man pages for admtools
Estimate and Manipulate Age-Depth Models

add_adm_to_multiadmadd adm object ot multiadm object
admtools-packageadmtools: Estimate and Manipulate Age-Depth Models
anchoranchor age-depth model
CarboCATLite_dataExample data from CarboCATLite
condensationcondensation with height
condensation_funcondensation function
flux_constconstant deterministic tracer flux
flux_linearlinear deterministic tracer flux
flux_quadquadratic deterministic tracer flux
get_completenessDetermine stratigraphic (in)completeness
get_data_from_eTimeOptextract data from eTimeOpt results
get_heightdetermine stratigraphic height deposited at specific time
get_hiat_durationextract hiatus duration
get_hiat_listextract hiatus info
get_hiat_noget no. of hiatuses
get_hiat_posget hiatus positions
get_L_tpget height/length tie point
get_L_unitextract length unit
get_timeDetermine times based on age-depth model
get_total_durationTotal duration covered
get_total_thicknessget total thickness
get_T_tpextract time tie points
get_T_unitextract Time unit
is_admIs an adm object a valid age-depth model
is_destructiveIs deposition destructive?
is_multiadmis valid multiadm object?
is_sacis valid sac objects
L_axis_labplot height axis label
make_legendplot legend
max_heightget highest stratigraphic tie point
max_timelast time tie point
mean_admget mean ADM
median_admget median ADM
merge_adm_to_multiadmcombine multiple adm ojects into multiadm object
merge_multiadmmerge multiple multiadm objects
min_heightget lowest stratigraphic tie point
min_timefirst time tie point
plot.admplotting adm objects
plot_condensationplot condensation in height
plot_erosive_intervalsmark erosive time intervals
plot.multiadmplot multiadm object
plot.sacplot sediment accumulation curve
plot_sed_rate_lplot sed. rate in height
plot_sed_rate_tplot sedimentation rate in time
plot.stratlistplot strat list
plot.timelistplot time lists
quantile_admget quantile ADM
sac_to_admturn sed. acc curve into adm
sed_rate_from_matrixmake sed rate gen from matrix
sed_rate_gen_from_boundsseg rate gen from upper/lower bounds
sed_rate_lsedimentation rate in stratigraphic height
sed_rate_l_funsed rate in height function
sed_rate_tsedimentation rate in time domain
sed_rate_t_funsedimentation rate function
sedrate_to_multiadmEstimate age-depth model from sedimentation rates & tie...
set_L_unitset length units
set_T_unitset time units
split_multiadmsplit multiadm objects into adm
strat_cont_gen_from_tracerproxy values in strat domain
strat_cont_to_multiadmestimate age-depth model from tracer
strat_to_timetransform objects from strat. to time domain
strat_to_time.listtransform list from height to time domain
strat_to_time.numerictransform numeric vectors from height to time domain
strat_to_time.phylotransform phylo object
summary.admsummary of age-depth model
summary.multiadmsummary of age-depth model
summary.sacsummary of sediment accumulation curve
T_axis_labplot time axis label
time_to_strattransform objects from time domain to strat. domain
time_to_strat.listtransform list from time to height domain
time_to_strat.numerictransform vectors from time to height domain
time_to_strat.phylotransform phylo object
timetreeexample time tree
tp_height_detdeterministic tie points height domain
tp_time_detdeterministic tie points in time domain
tp_time_floating_scaletie points for floating time scale
tp_time_normtime tie points with normal distribution
tp_to_admConstruct age-depth model from tie points
tp_to_sacdefine sed. acc. curve
admtools documentation built on Oct. 4, 2024, 1:09 a.m.