sed_rate_from_matrix: make sed rate gen from matrix

View source: R/sedrate_gen_helpers.R

sed_rate_from_matrixR Documentation

make sed rate gen from matrix


Construct a sedimentation rate generator (function factory) from a matrix, e.g. one returned from get_data_from_eTimeOpt. This generator can be passed on to sedrate_to_multiadm to estimate age-depth models from it. If mode is "deterministic", the generator evaluates the sedimentation rates at heights specified by height, if the mode is "poisson" it is evaluated at heights that are determined based on a poisson point process. At these heights, the value of the sedimentation rate is determined based on the (pseudo) pdf that is determined by the matrix values.


  mode = "deterministic",
  rate = 1,
  expand_domain = TRUE,
  transform = identity



vector of heights


vector of sed. rates x values


matrix of sed rate y values. Must have as many columns as length(height) and as many rows as length(sedrate).


character, "deterministic" or "poisson". Determines at which stratigraphic heights the sed rate is determined. If "deterministic" this will be the heights in height, if "poisson" the heights where the sed rate is determined follows a poisson point process with rate specified by rate


numeric, rate of the Poisson point process determining frequency of sedimentation rate changes.


should sedimentation rates be defined below/above the highest/lowest height in the section? If TRUE, the sed rate values are the values at the closest interpolated point, if FALSE it will be NA


a function, the identity function by default. How should the values of the (pseudo)pdf defined by the entries of matrix be transformed? Using this function allows to (nonlinearly) rescale the values in matrix to put more emphasis on higher/lower values


a function factory for usage with sedrate_to_multiadm

See Also

sedrate_to_multiadm() for estimating sedimentation rates based on the outputs, get_data_from_eTimeOpt() for extracting data from the eTimeOpt function of the astrochron package.

admtools documentation built on Oct. 4, 2024, 1:09 a.m.