
Defines functions is_destructive

Documented in is_destructive

is_destructive = function(x, t, mode = "rcll", bdry_pts_hiat = "destructive", out_dom_mode = "default"){
  #' @export
  #' @title Is deposition destructive?
  #' @description
  #' Determines whether specified time is destructive or not
  #' @usage is_destructive(x, t, mode = "rcll", 
  #' bdry_pts_hiat = "destructive", out_dom_mode = "default")
  #' @param x an _adm_ or _multiadm_ object
  #' @param t vector of times
  #' @param mode string, either "rcll", "lcrl", "open", or "closed"
  #' @param bdry_pts_hiat string, "destructive" or "consistent". If the adm starts/ends with a hiatus, should the 
  #' start/end be removed, or treated consistently with mode?
  #' @param out_dom_mode ""default", "destructive", or "conservative" 
  #' @returns logical vector of same length as t. Is deposition at time t destructive?


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admtools documentation built on Oct. 4, 2024, 1:09 a.m.