
Defines functions strat_to_time

Documented in strat_to_time

strat_to_time = function(obj, x, ...){
  #' @export
  #' @title transform objects from strat. to time domain
  #' @description
    #' Takes an object and transforms it from the time domain into the stratigraphic domain using the provided age-depth model.
    #' Currently implemented for the "phylo", "list", and "numeric" class. Wraps around `get_time`.
  #' @param obj the object to be transformed
  #' @param x age-depth model
  #' @param ... other parameters
  #' @returns an object of the same type as obj
  #' @seealso [time_to_strat()] to transform data from the time to the stratigraphic domain, [strat_to_time.phylo()], [strat_to_time.numeric()] and [strat_to_time.list()] for details on how to transform phylogenetic trees, vectors, and lists. See [get_time()] for the underlying procedure.

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admtools documentation built on Oct. 4, 2024, 1:09 a.m.