Man pages for adventr
Interactive R Tutorials to Accompany Field (2016), "An Adventure in Statistics"

adventradventr: tutorials in R for An Adventure in Statistics...
alice_datAlice's gene data
calcite_datCalcite mask data
garlic_datZombie garlic data
ha_datSubset of Ha et al. (2010) data
implant_datMemory implanting data
jig_datJIG:SAW employee data.
mask_datInvisibility paste data
mem_cov_datMemory erasing data with covariate
memory_datMemory erasing data
ras_datAlice's RAS scores
recovery_datZombie recovery data
rehab_datZombie rehabilitation data
rehab_growth_datZombie rehabilitation longitudinal data
taser_datZombie immobility data
teddy_datTeddy therapy data.
zhang_female_datSubset of Zhang data (female sample N = 20)
adventr documentation built on July 1, 2020, 11:50 p.m.