
# Description of the synthetic data simulating malaria cross-sectionals
# 203210201 by JJAV

#' Synthetic data simulating a malaria crossectional
#' Simulated data with the main outcomes of a malaria crossectional,
#' fever and parasite density
#' @format{ a dataset with two variables
#'  \describe{
#'    \item{fever}{1 if fever or history of fever, 0 otherwise} 
#'    \item{density}{asexual Plasmodium parasite density, in parasites per ul}       
#'  }  
#' }

#' Synthetic data simulating a malaria crossectional
#' Simulated data with the main outcomes of a malaria crossectional,
#' fever and parasite density
#' @format{ a dataset with two variables
#'  \describe{
#'    \item{fever}{1 if fever or history of fever, 0 otherwise} 
#'    \item{density}{asexual Plasmodium parasite density, in parasites per ul}       
#'  }  
#' }

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afdx documentation built on May 25, 2021, 5:09 p.m.