Man pages for ahpsurvey
Analytic Hierarchy Process for Survey Data

ahpCanned routine for AHP
ahp.aggjudgeAggregate individual judgments
ahp.aggprefAggregate priority weights
ahp.crCalculates the consistency ratio of each decision-maker
ahp.errorMatrix of the product between the pairwise comparison value...
ahp.harkerReplace inconsistent pairwise comparisons
ahp.indprefComputes priority weights of individual decision-makers
ahp.matGenerate AHP pairwise matrices from survey data
ahp.missingImpute missing observations using the method in...
ahp.pwerrorFinds the pairwise comparisons with the maximum amount of...
ahp.riGenerate random indices
ahpsurveyAHP Survey package
city1Dataframe of one decision-maker based on...
city200A dataframe of 200 simulated decision-makers based on...
ahpsurvey documentation built on March 26, 2020, 8 p.m.