convert_to_index: Convert a pollutant concentration to its air quality category

View source: R/convert_to_index.R

convert_to_indexR Documentation

Convert a pollutant concentration to its air quality category


This functions converts a pollutant value in its original units into one of the 5 categories used by the Mexican government to communicate to the public how polluted the air currently is and its health risks.


convert_to_index(value, pollutant)



a numeric vector of values to convert to index


type of pollutant. A vector of one or more of the following options:

  • SO2 - Sulfur Dioxide - ppb (24 hour average)

  • CO - Carbon Monoxide - ppm (8 hour average)

  • NO2 - Nitrogen Dioxide - pbb (1 hour average)

  • O3 - Ozone ppb (1 hour average)

  • PM10 - Particulate matter 10 micrometers or less (24 hour average)

  • PM25 - Particulate matter 2.5 micrometers or less (24 hour average)


the IMECA value of the concentration indexed into 5 categories

  • BUENA - Good: 0-50 minimal health risk

  • REGULAR - Regular: 51-100 moderate health effects

  • MALA - Bad: 101-150 sensitive groups may suffer adverse heatlh effects

  • MUY MALA - Very Bad: 151-200 everyone can experience negative health effects

  • EXTREMADAMENTE MALA - Extremely Bad: > 200 serious health issues

See Also


Other convert functions: convert_to_imeca()


convert_to_index(c(12.1, 215, 355), c("PM25", "PM10", "PM10"))

aire.zmvm documentation built on June 26, 2024, 5:08 p.m.