
Defines functions keyword_extract

Documented in keyword_extract

#' @title Extract keywords from raw text
#' @description When we have raw text like abstract or article but not keywords, we might prefer extracting
#' keywords first. The least prerequisite data to be provided are a data.frame with document id and raw text,
#' and a user defined dictionary should be provided. One could use \code{\link[akc]{make_dict}} function to construct his(her)
#' own dictionary with a character vector containing the vocabularies. If the dictionary is not provided,
#' the function would return all the ngram tokens without filtering (not recommended).
#' @param dt A data.frame containing at least two columns with document ID and text strings for extraction.
#' @param id Quoted characters specifying the column name of document ID.Default uses "id".
#' @param text Quoted characters specifying the column name of raw text for extraction.
#' @param dict A data.table with two columns,namely "id" and "keyword"(set as key).
#' This should be exported by \code{\link[akc]{make_dict}} function. The default uses \code{NULL},
#' which means the output keywords are not filtered by the dictionary (usually not recommended).
#' @param stopword A vector containing the stop words to be used. Default uses \code{NULL}.
#' @param n_max The number of words in the n-gram. This must be an integer greater than or equal to 1.
#' Default uses 4.
#' @param n_min This must be an integer greater than or equal to 1, and less than or equal to n_max.
#' Default uses 1.
#' @details In the procedure of keyword extraction from \pkg{akc},first the raw text would be split
#' into independent clause (namely split by puctuations of \code{[,;!?.]}). Then the ngrams of the
#' clauses would be extracted. Finally, the phrases represented by ngrams should be in the dictionary
#' created by the user (using \code{make_dict}).The user could also specify the \emph{n} of ngrams.
#' @details This function could take some time if the sample size is large, it is suggested to use system.time to do
#' some test first. Nonetheless, it has been optimized by data.table codes already and has good performance for big data.
#' @return A data.frame(tibble) with two columns, namely document ID and extracted keyword.
#' @seealso \code{\link[akc]{make_dict}}
#' @examples
#'  library(akc)
#'  library(dplyr)
#'   bibli_data_table %>%
#'     keyword_clean(id = "id",keyword = "keyword") %>%
#'     pull(keyword) %>%
#'     make_dict -> my_dict
#'   tidytext::stop_words %>%
#'     pull(word) %>%
#'     unique() -> my_stopword
#'  \donttest{
#'   bibli_data_table %>%
#'     keyword_extract(id = "id",text = "abstract",
#'     dict = my_dict,stopword = my_stopword)
#'  }
#' @export

keyword_extract = function(dt,id = "id",text,
                           dict = NULL,
                           stopword = NULL,
                           n_max = 4,n_min = 1){

  dt %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
    transmute(id = .data[[id]],text = .data[[text]]) %>%
    unnest_tokens(keyword,text,token = strsplit,split = "[,;!?.][:space:]*") %>%
    mutate(id2 = 1:n()) %>%
    unnest_tokens(keyword,keyword,token = "ngrams",n = n_max,n_min = n_min) %>%
    select(-id2) %>%
    unique() %>%
    na.omit()-> df

  if(!is.null(stopword)) df %>% anti_join(tibble(keyword = stopword)) -> df
  if(is.null(dict)) df %>% select(id,keyword)
  else df %>%
    data.table(key = "keyword") %>%
    merge(dict,by = "keyword") %>%
    as_tibble() %>%


## data.table format, still too slow, change back to unnest_token with tricks
# keyword_extract = function(dt,id = "id",text,
#                            dict,n_max = 4,n_min = 1){
#   dt %>%
#     as_tibble() %>%
#     transmute(id = .data[[id]],text = .data[[text]]) %>%
#     unnest_tokens(keyword,text,token = strsplit,split = "[,;!?.][:space:]*") %>%
#     as.data.table() %>%
#     .[,keyword:=tokenize_ngrams(keyword,n = n_max,n_min = n_min),] %>%
#     .[keyword!="",lapply(.SD, unlist),by = id] %>%
#     unique() %>%
#     setkey(keyword) %>%
#     merge(dict,by = "keyword") %>%
#     as_tibble() %>%
#     select(id,keyword)
# }

## past version, tidytext::unnest_token did not work well for tokenization
# dt %>%
#   as_tibble() %>%
#   transmute(id = .data[[id]],text = .data[[text]]) %>%
#   unnest_tokens(keyword,text,token = strsplit,split = "[,;!?.][:space:]*") %>%
#   unnest_tokens(keyword,keyword,token = "ngrams",n = n_max,n_min = n_min,stopwords = stopword_vector) %>%
#   unique() %>%
#   data.table(key = "keyword") %>%
#   merge(dict,by = "keyword") %>%
#   as_tibble() %>%
#   select(id,keyword)

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akc documentation built on Jan. 6, 2023, 9:09 a.m.