Man pages for algaeClassify
Determine Phytoplankton Functional Groups Based on Functional Traits

accumSplit a dataframe column with binomial name into genus and...
algaebase_genus_searchSearch algaebase for information about a genus of...
algaebase_output_parseHelper function for parsing output from algaebase
algaebase_search_dfSearch algaebase for information about a list of...
algaebase_species_searchRetrieve taxonomic information from the algaebase online...
bestmatchfuzzy partial matching between a scientific name and a list...
csrTraitsDatabase of functional traits for MFG classification, derived...
date_matTransform a phytoplankton timeseries into a matrix of...
genus_search_itisWrapper function for several functions in ritis:: Searches...
genus_species_extractSplit a dataframe column with binomial name into genus and...
get_apikeyGet value of algaebase API key from Environment variable...
get_apikey_fromfileGet value of algaebase API key from a file
gnr_simpleWrapper function for taxize::gnr_resolve() checks species...
gnr_simple_dfWrapper function to apply gnr_simple across a data.frame or...
itis_search_dfWrapper function for applying genus_search_itis and...
lakegenevaexample dataset from lake Geneva, Switzerland
mean_naomitCompute mean value while ignoring NA's
mfg_csr_convertReturns a CSR classification based on Morphofunctional group...
mfg_csr_convert_dfReturns a CSR classification based on Morphofunctional group...
mfg_csr_libraryMFG-CSR correspondence based on CSR-trait relationships in...
mfgTraitsFunctional Trait Database derived from Rimet et al.
phyto_ts_aggregateAggregate phytoplankton timeseries based on abundance. Up to...
sampeffVisually assess change in sampling effort over time (author:...
set_algaebase_apikey_headerAdd algaebase API key to curl handle
species_mfg_libraryTrait-based MFG classifications for common Eurasion/North...
species_search_itisWrapper function for several functions in ritis:: Searches...
species_to_mfgConversion of a single genus and species name to a single...
species_to_mfg_dfWrapper function to apply species_phyto_convert() across a...
traitrangessurface/volume ratio and max linear dimension criteria for...
traits_to_csrAssign phytoplankton species to CSR functional groups, based...
traits_to_csr_dfAdd CSR functional group classifications to a dataframe of...
traits_to_mfgAssign MFG based on binary functional traits and taxonomy...
traits_to_mfg_dfAssign morphofunctional groups to a dataframe of functional...
algaeClassify documentation built on Nov. 22, 2023, 1:08 a.m.