Man pages for amt
Animal Movement Tools

amt_fisherGPS tracks from four fishers
amt_fisher_covarEnvironmental data for fishers
append_x1Append "_x1" a 'uhc_data' object to 'data.frame'
as_sf_linesExport track to lines
as_sf_pointsCoerces a track to points
as_trackCoerce to track
available_distrDisplay available distributions for step lengths and turn...
bandwidth_pi'hr_kde_pi' wraps 'KernSmooth::dpik' to select bandwidth for...
bandwidth_refReference bandwidth
bboxGet bounding box of a track.
boot1Single bootstrap iteration
bootstrap_logrssBootstrap log-RSS estimate
calculate_sdrCalculate SDR
calc_wCalculate 'w(x)'
centroidCalculate the centroid of a track.
check_factorsCheck factor levels
check_time_unitCalculate Speed
coercionCoerce a track to other formats.
conf_envelopeCreate confidence envelopes from a 'uhc_data_frame'
convert_anglesConverts angles to radians
coordsCoordinates of a track.
cum_udCalculate a cumulative UD
deerRelocations of 1 red deer
diffDifference in x and y
distributionsFunctions create statistical distributions
distr_nameName of step-length distribution and turn-angle distribution
extentExtent of a track
extract_covariatesExtract covariate values
Extract.uhc_dataSubset a 'uhc_data' object
filter_min_n_burstFilter bursts by number of relocations
fit_clogitFit a conditional logistic regression
fit_ctmmFit a continuous time movement model with 'ctmm'
fit_distrFit distribution to data
fit_logitFit logistic regression
flag_defunct_clustersFlag Defunct Clusters
flag_duplicatesFlag Low Quality Duplicates
flag_fast_stepsFlag Fast Steps
flag_roundtripsFlag Fast Round Trips
from_toDuration of tracks
get_amt_fisher_covarsHelper function to get fisher covars
get_crsObtains the Coordinate Reference Systems
get_displacementCalculate Expected Displacement
get_distrObtain the step length and/or turn angle distributions from...
get_max_distGet the maximum distance
get_sh_forestHelper function to get forest cover
has_crsCheck for Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS)
hr_areaHome-range area
hrestHome ranges
hr_isoplethsHome-range isopleths
hr_kde_lscvLeast square cross validation bandwidth
hr_kde_ref_scaledSelect a bandwidth for Kernel Density Estimation
hr_overlap_featureCalculate the overlap between a home-range estimate and a...
hr_overlapsMethods to calculate home-range overlaps
hr_to_sfConvert home ranges to 'sfc'
hr_udObtain the utilization distribution of a probabilistic...
inspectInspect a track
issf_drop_stratumCreate formula without stratum from iSSF
issf_w_formCreate habitat formula from iSSF
log_rssCalculate log-RSS for a fitted model
make_issf_modelCreate an 'issf'-model object from scratch
make_startCreate an initial step for simulations
movement_metricsMovement metrics
nsdNet squared displacement (nsd)
odOccurrence Distribution
paramsGet parameters from a (fitted) distribution
plot.hrPlot a home-range estimate
plot.log_rssPlot a 'log_rss' object
plot_slPlot step-length distribution
plot.uhc_dataPlot UHC plots
plot.uhc_envelopesPlot simplified UHC plots
prep_test_datPrepares 'test_dat' for 'uhc_prep()'
prep_uhcPrepare Data for UHC Plots for a Fitted Model
random_numbersSample random numbers
random_pointsGenerate random points
random_stepsGenerate Random Steps
random_steps_simpleSimulate from an ssf model
rangeGeographic range
redistribution_kernelCreate a redistribution kernel
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
remove_captureRemoves Capture Effects
remove_incomplete_strataRemove strata with missing values for observed steps
sampling_periodExtract sampling period
sdrCalculate SDR for an Object
shRelocations of one Red Deer
sh_forestForest cover
simulate_pathSimulate a movement trajectory.
site_fidelityTest for site fidelity of animal movement.
ssf_formulaTakes a 'clogit' formula and returns a formula without the...
ssf_weightsGiven a fitted ssf, and new location the weights for each...
stepsFunctions to create and work with steps
summarize_sampling_rateReturns a summary of sampling rates
summarize_slSummarize step lengths
summarize_speedSummarize speed
time_of_dayTime of the day when a fix was taken
trackCreate a track_*
tracked_from_toSubset to tracking dates
track_resampleResample track
transform_coordsTransform CRS
trastCreate a template raster layer
ua_distrSummarize distribution of used and available
uhc_habSimulated habitat rasters for demonstrating UHC plots
uhc_hsf_locsSimulated HSF location data for demonstrating UHC plots
uhc_issf_locsSimulated iSSF location data for demonstrating UHC plots
update_distrUpdate movement distributions
update_distr_manManually update 'amt_distr'
amt documentation built on June 25, 2024, 1:14 a.m.