amt_fisher | GPS tracks from four fishers |
amt_fisher_covar | Environmental data for fishers |
append_x1 | Append "_x1" | | Coerce a 'uhc_data' object to 'data.frame' |
as_sf_lines | Export track to lines |
as_sf_points | Coerces a track to points |
as_track | Coerce to track |
available_distr | Display available distributions for step lengths and turn... |
bandwidth_pi | 'hr_kde_pi' wraps 'KernSmooth::dpik' to select bandwidth for... |
bandwidth_ref | Reference bandwidth |
bbox | Get bounding box of a track. |
boot1 | Single bootstrap iteration |
bootstrap_logrss | Bootstrap log-RSS estimate |
calculate_sdr | Calculate SDR |
calc_w | Calculate 'w(x)' |
centroid | Calculate the centroid of a track. |
check_factors | Check factor levels |
check_time_unit | Calculate Speed |
coercion | Coerce a track to other formats. |
conf_envelope | Create confidence envelopes from a 'uhc_data_frame' |
convert_angles | Converts angles to radians |
coords | Coordinates of a track. |
cum_ud | Calculate a cumulative UD |
deer | Relocations of 1 red deer |
diff | Difference in x and y |
distributions | Functions create statistical distributions |
distr_name | Name of step-length distribution and turn-angle distribution |
extent | Extent of a track |
extract_covariates | Extract covariate values |
Extract.uhc_data | Subset a 'uhc_data' object |
filter_min_n_burst | Filter bursts by number of relocations |
fit_clogit | Fit a conditional logistic regression |
fit_ctmm | Fit a continuous time movement model with 'ctmm' |
fit_distr | Fit distribution to data |
fit_logit | Fit logistic regression |
flag_defunct_clusters | Flag Defunct Clusters |
flag_duplicates | Flag Low Quality Duplicates |
flag_fast_steps | Flag Fast Steps |
flag_roundtrips | Flag Fast Round Trips |
from_to | Duration of tracks |
get_amt_fisher_covars | Helper function to get fisher covars |
get_crs | Obtains the Coordinate Reference Systems |
get_displacement | Calculate Expected Displacement |
get_distr | Obtain the step length and/or turn angle distributions from... |
get_max_dist | Get the maximum distance |
get_sh_forest | Helper function to get forest cover |
has_crs | Check for Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS) |
hr_area | Home-range area |
hrest | Home ranges |
hr_isopleths | Home-range isopleths |
hr_kde_lscv | Least square cross validation bandwidth |
hr_kde_ref_scaled | Select a bandwidth for Kernel Density Estimation |
hr_overlap_feature | Calculate the overlap between a home-range estimate and a... |
hr_overlaps | Methods to calculate home-range overlaps |
hr_to_sf | Convert home ranges to 'sfc' |
hr_ud | Obtain the utilization distribution of a probabilistic... |
inspect | Inspect a track |
issf_drop_stratum | Create formula without stratum from iSSF |
issf_w_form | Create habitat formula from iSSF |
log_rss | Calculate log-RSS for a fitted model |
make_issf_model | Create an 'issf'-model object from scratch |
make_start | Create an initial step for simulations |
movement_metrics | Movement metrics |
nsd | Net squared displacement (nsd) |
od | Occurrence Distribution |
params | Get parameters from a (fitted) distribution | | Plot a home-range estimate |
plot.log_rss | Plot a 'log_rss' object |
plot_sl | Plot step-length distribution |
plot.uhc_data | Plot UHC plots |
plot.uhc_envelopes | Plot simplified UHC plots |
prep_test_dat | Prepares 'test_dat' for 'uhc_prep()' |
prep_uhc | Prepare Data for UHC Plots for a Fitted Model |
random_numbers | Sample random numbers |
random_points | Generate random points |
random_steps | Generate Random Steps |
random_steps_simple | Simulate from an ssf model |
range | Geographic range |
redistribution_kernel | Create a redistribution kernel |
reexports | Objects exported from other packages |
remove_capture | Removes Capture Effects |
remove_incomplete_strata | Remove strata with missing values for observed steps |
sampling_period | Extract sampling period |
sdr | Calculate SDR for an Object |
sh | Relocations of one Red Deer |
sh_forest | Forest cover |
simulate_path | Simulate a movement trajectory. |
site_fidelity | Test for site fidelity of animal movement. |
speed | Speed |
ssf_formula | Takes a 'clogit' formula and returns a formula without the... |
ssf_weights | Given a fitted ssf, and new location the weights for each... |
steps | Functions to create and work with steps |
summarize_sampling_rate | Returns a summary of sampling rates |
summarize_sl | Summarize step lengths |
summarize_speed | Summarize speed |
time_of_day | Time of the day when a fix was taken |
track | Create a track_* |
tracked_from_to | Subset to tracking dates |
track_resample | Resample track |
transform_coords | Transform CRS |
trast | Create a template raster layer |
ua_distr | Summarize distribution of used and available |
uhc_hab | Simulated habitat rasters for demonstrating UHC plots |
uhc_hsf_locs | Simulated HSF location data for demonstrating UHC plots |
uhc_issf_locs | Simulated iSSF location data for demonstrating UHC plots |
update_distr | Update movement distributions |
update_distr_man | Manually update 'amt_distr' |
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