Man pages for anipaths
Animation of Multiple Trajectories with Uncertainty

animate_pathsanimate paths
animation_expressionAnimation Expression
blur_pointblur ellipses function
check_overwriteCheck overwrite
covariate_interpSynchronous interpolation of covariate using either GAM (same...
crawl_interpolationSingle and Multiple Realizations Using crawl Package
gam_interpGAM interpolation using 'mgcv:gam()'.
get_googlemap_min_scaleFigure out scale and centering of google map by transforming...
get_network_colorsget_network_colors() Finds all maximal cliques in the network...
googlemap_projadjust center + scale for google map plotting
network_interpSynchronous interpolation of network using piece-wise...
new_alphaGet good alpha_mult
paths_gam_interpSynchronous GAM interpolation of all paths
plotPlot animation path interpolation
vulturesGPS locations of turkey vultures.
whalesGPS locations of three species of whales.
anipaths documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:46 a.m.