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anonymizer anonymizes data containing Personally Identifiable Information (PII) using a combination of salting and hashing. You can find quality examples of data anonymization in R here, here, and here.


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If you encounter a clear bug, please file a minimal reproducible example on github.


anonymzer employs four convenience functions: salt, unsalt, hash, and anonymize.

library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
letters %>% head
#> [1] "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f"
letters %>% head %>% salt(.seed = 1)
#> [1] "gjoxfagjoxf" "gjoxfbgjoxf" "gjoxfcgjoxf" "gjoxfdgjoxf" "gjoxfegjoxf"
#> [6] "gjoxffgjoxf"
letters %>% head %>% salt(.seed = 1) %>% unsalt(.seed = 1)
#> [1] "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f"
letters %>% head %>% hash(.algo = "crc32")
#> [1] "c0749952" "597dc8e8" "2e7af87e" "b01e6ddd" "c7195d4b" "5e100cf1"
letters %>% head %>% salt(.seed = 1) %>% hash(.algo = "crc32")
#> [1] "b0891ad8" "361d6876" "fd41bbd3" "e0448b6b" "2b1858ce" "ad8c2a60"
letters %>% head %>% anonymize(.algo = "crc32", .seed = 1)
#> [1] "b0891ad8" "361d6876" "fd41bbd3" "e0448b6b" "2b1858ce" "ad8c2a60"

Generate data containing fake PII

n <- 6
ashley_madison <- 
  data.frame(name = r_full_names(n), 
             snn = r_national_identification_numbers(n), 
             dob = r_date_of_births(n), 
             email = r_email_addresses(n), 
             ip = r_ipv4_addresses(n), 
             phone = r_phone_numbers(n), 
             credit_card = r_credit_card_numbers(n), 
             lat = r_latitudes(n), 
             lon = r_longitudes(n), 
             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
knitr::kable(ashley_madison, format = "markdown")

| name | snn | dob | email | ip | phone | credit_card | lat| lon| |:----------------------|:------------|:-----------|:-------------------------|:----------------|:-----------|:--------------------|------------:|------------:| | Eldridge Pfannerstill | 442-34-5338 | 1991-11-13 | ntakqojv@lgbcyk.rkv | | 6794976958 | 4125-7204-9193-5140 | -2.7018575| 8.634988| | Augustine Homenick | 799-44-6396 | 1912-06-27 | iqg@mtcuh.viy | | 3275827694 | 2182-5994-2283-9486 | -70.4148630| -65.827918| | Jennie Runte | 941-11-5441 | 1983-09-15 | wjszy@sjhreocvt.gbp | | 7419351735 | 4370-4866-4735-7857 | -45.4091701| -79.932229| | Araceli Kunde | 290-44-2675 | 1947-07-28 | uljsnvhfr@qfdkumtn.jkd | | 3243246285 | 6682-5074-2898-9396 | -0.2673845| 103.514583| | Josue Rau | 686-88-8446 | 1994-12-12 | c@lqxzkdpi.nfy | | 9169736873 | 4510-3757-4858-5236 | -22.8839925| 72.886505| | Elnora Zemlak | 212-40-7016 | 1974-11-01 | capvnl@nympzf.gsk | | 3295843196 | 7206-6205-2194-6432 | 78.2444466| -120.590050|

Detect data containing PII

ashley_madison %>% 
  detect %>% 
  knitr::kable(format = "markdown")

| column_name | has_email_addresses | has_phone_numbers | has_national_identification_numbers | |:-------------|:----------------------|:--------------------|:---------------------------------------| | name | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | | snn | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | | dob | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | | email | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE | | ip | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | | phone | FALSE | TRUE | FALSE | | credit_card | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | | lat | FALSE | TRUE | FALSE | | lon | FALSE | TRUE | FALSE |

Anonymize data containing PII

ashley_madison[] <- lapply(ashley_madison, anonymize, .algo = "crc32")
ashley_madison %>% 
  knitr::kable(format = "markdown")

| name | snn | dob | email | ip | phone | credit_card | lat | lon | |:---------|:---------|:---------|:---------|:---------|:---------|:-------------|:---------|:---------| | c83b4030 | 393d73d7 | abf6427 | aa5dead | e4b6e2c6 | d3af086b | cb7b5ba | 80064d9e | 7dc18006 | | 98a6974d | 70ac65b0 | 6f83bc6 | a75947f0 | 5e0e7cef | 5c562036 | 7cd11025 | fdf9526d | 5828b961 | | 77dcbc4d | 391740d7 | b9510906 | 6cefaee2 | fbaaa8f1 | 9a66f57d | 299a42fe | 734886e3 | 9ea0e9a5 | | a48e2b0b | 6704117d | 65595953 | e1598468 | b7a422ba | 1f0a0373 | f420590f | 53155b41 | 81018fc | | 4fecaeb2 | 9d6bf732 | 60cdfc57 | 4b412ff9 | d1f2740c | ac553e93 | e3716031 | f3d9a005 | ef3bdb8d | | abc3b85c | 90866189 | 8345b538 | f26e84b1 | 52596e0e | b14fa5df | 9189fc4f | 85c69f65 | f0db3bb0 |

Try the anonymizer package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

anonymizer documentation built on May 29, 2017, 9:29 a.m.