
Defines functions orsf_vs

Documented in orsf_vs

#' Variable selection
#' @inheritParams predict.orsf_fit
#' @param n_predictor_min (*integer*) the minimum number of predictors allowed
#' @param verbose_progress (*logical*) not implemented yet. Should progress be printed to the console?
#' @return a [data.table][data.table::data.table-package] with four columns:
#'   - *n_predictors*: the number of predictors used
#'   - *stat_value*: the out-of-bag statistic
#'   - *predictors_included*: the names of the predictors included
#'   - *predictor_dropped*: the predictor selected to be dropped
#' @details
#' `tree_seeds` should be specified in `object` so that each successive run
#'   of `orsf` will be evaluated in the same out-of-bag samples as the initial
#'   run.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' object <- orsf(formula = time + status ~ .,
#'                data = pbc_orsf,
#'                n_tree = 25,
#'                importance = 'anova')
#' orsf_vs(object, n_predictor_min = 17)

orsf_vs <- function(object,
                    n_predictor_min = 3,
                    verbose_progress = FALSE){

 forest_seeds <- get_tree_seeds(object)

  stop("tree_seeds not found in object. See details in ?orsf_vs",
       call. = FALSE)

 forest_weights <- get_weights_user(object)

  forest_weights <- NULL

 forest_outcomes <- get_names_y(object)

 formula <- stats::as.formula(
  paste( paste(forest_outcomes, collapse = ' + '), "~ ." )

 forest_object <- object
 forest_data <- object$data
 forest_predictors <- get_names_x(object)
 n_predictors <- length(forest_predictors)

 oob_data <- data.table(
  n_predictors = seq(n_predictors),
  stat_value = rep(NA_real_, n_predictors),
  predictors_included = vector(mode = 'list', length = n_predictors),
  predictor_dropped = rep(NA_character_, n_predictors)

 control <- get_control(object)

 cols_kept <- c(forest_outcomes, forest_predictors)

 while(n_predictors > n_predictor_min){

  forest_data <- select_cols(forest_data, col_names = cols_kept)

  forest_object <- orsf(data = forest_data,
                        formula = formula,
                        control = control,
                        weights = forest_weights,
                        n_tree = get_n_tree(object),
                        n_split = get_n_split(object),
                        n_retry = get_n_retry(object),
                        leaf_min_events = get_leaf_min_events(object),
                        leaf_min_obs = get_leaf_min_obs(object),
                        split_min_events = get_split_min_events(object),
                        split_min_obs = get_split_min_obs(object),
                        split_min_stat = get_split_min_stat(object),
                        oobag_pred_type = 'mort',
                        oobag_pred_horizon = get_oobag_pred_horizon(object),
                        oobag_eval_every = get_n_tree(object),
                        oobag_fun = get_oobag_fun(object),
                        importance = get_importance(object),
                        group_factors = TRUE,
                        tree_seeds = forest_seeds,
                        attach_data = FALSE,
                        na_action = get_na_action(object),
                        verbose_progress = get_verbose_progress(object))

   # once mtry is < df_target, set df_target to NULL
   # this means df_target is < mtry until mtry is the same,
   # and from there df_target will be the same as mtry.
   if(control$lincomb_df_target >= get_mtry(forest_object)){
    control$lincomb_df_target <- NULL

  forest_predictors <- get_names_x(forest_object)
  n_predictors <- length(forest_predictors)

  oob_last_stat_value <- get_last_oob_stat_value(forest_object)
  oob_worst_predictor <- get_last_vi(forest_object)

           `:=`(n_predictors = n_predictors,
                stat_value = oob_last_stat_value,
                predictors_included = forest_predictors,
                predictor_dropped = oob_worst_predictor)]

  cols_kept <- c(
   setdiff(forest_predictors, get_last_vi(forest_object))




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aorsf documentation built on Oct. 26, 2023, 5:08 p.m.