

apportion provides different apportionment methods for allocating seats across states. These methods are also sometimes used for allocating seats by votes in proportional representation systems.


You can install the development version of apportion like so:



apportion has several apportionment methods, each of which take two required arguments: - size: the number of seats to apportion across units - pop: a vector of population sizes for each unit

## basic example code

app_adams(size = 435, pop = state_2020$pop)
#>  [1]  7  1  9  4 50  8  5  2 27 14  2  3 16  9  4  4  6  6  2  8  9 13  8  4  8
#> [26]  2  3  4  2 12  3 26 14  1 15  5  6 17  2  7  2  9 37  5  1 11 10  3  8  1

Implemented methods include:

Try the apportion package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

apportion documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 7:19 p.m.