Man pages for arc
Association Rule Classification

applyCutApply Cut Points to Vector
applyCutsApply Cut Points to Data Frame
cbaCBA Classifier
cbaCSVExample CBA Workflow with CSV Input
cbaIrisTest CBA Workflow on Iris Dataset
cbaIrisNumericTest CBA Workflow on Iris Dataset with numeric target
cba_manualCBA Classifier from provided rules
CBARuleModelAccuracyPrediction Accuracy
discretizeUnsupervisedUnsupervised Discretization
discrNumericDiscretize Numeric Columns In Data frame
getAppearanceMethod that generates items for values in given data frame...
getConfVectorForROCReturns vector with confidences for the positive class...
humtempComfort level based on temperature and humidity of the...
mdlp2Supervised Discretization
predict.CBARuleModelApply Rule Model
pruneClassifier Builder
topRulesRule Generation
arc documentation built on Aug. 17, 2023, 5:16 p.m.