
arc_select() works on ImageServers

  Simple feature collection with 2 features and 25 fields
  Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
  Dimension:     XY
  Bounding box:  xmin: -5034779 ymin: 9132387 xmax: -4335570 ymax: 10064260
  Projected CRS: WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator
    OBJECTID                                     Name MinPS MaxPS LowPS HighPS
  1       99 LC08_L1GT_001014_20200218_20200823_02_T2     0   300    30    120
  2      106 LC08_L1GT_001015_20200202_20200823_02_T2     0   300    30    120
    Category                                    GroupName ProductName  CenterX
  1        1 LC08_L1GT_001014_20200218_20200823_02_T2_MTL      Level1 -4629722
  2        1 LC08_L1GT_001015_20200202_20200823_02_T2_MTL      Level1 -4767010
    CenterY SensorName     AcquisitionDate SunAzimuth SunElevation CloudCover
  1 9766962  Landsat 8 2020-02-18 14:12:23   168.0054    12.205823     1.0000
  2 9409622  Landsat 8 2020-02-02 14:12:50   167.4229     8.295621     0.4544
         Best DateUpdated   PR Latest DayOfYear Month      LANDSAT_SCENE_ID
  1 114199232        <NA> 1014     NA        14     2 LC80010142020049LGN00
  2  59199217        <NA> 1015     NA        15     2 LC80010152020033LGN00
                                  LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID dataset_id
  1 LC08_L1GT_001014_20200218_20200823_02_T2_MTL.txt   Landsat8
  2 LC08_L1GT_001015_20200202_20200823_02_T2_MTL.txt   Landsat8
  1 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4335570 98...
  2 MULTIPOLYGON (((-4489331 95...

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arcgislayers documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:42 a.m.