
Defines functions places_within_extent parse_place_details near_point_ parse_category_details parse_categories

# Generated by extendr: Do not edit by hand

# nolint start

# This file was created with the following call:
#   .Call("wrap__make_arcgisplaces_wrappers", use_symbols = TRUE, package_name = "arcgisplaces")

#' @usage NULL
#' @useDynLib arcgisplaces, .registration = TRUE

parse_categories <- function(x) .Call(wrap__parse_categories, x)

#' Parse `/categories/{categoryId}` results vectorized
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
parse_category_details <- function(x) .Call(wrap__parse_category_details, x)

near_point_ <- function(x, y, radius, category_id, search_text, token) .Call(wrap__near_point_, x, y, radius, category_id, search_text, token)

parse_place_details <- function(x) .Call(wrap__parse_place_details, x)

places_within_extent <- function(search_text, category_ids, icon, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, token, places_url) .Call(wrap__places_within_extent, search_text, category_ids, icon, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, token, places_url)

# nolint end

Try the arcgisplaces package in your browser

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arcgisplaces documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:08 p.m.