Man pages for argo
Accurate Estimation of Influenza Epidemics using Google Search Data

argoConstruct ARGO object
argo2ARGO second step
argo2_mainmain function for argo2
argo_mainmain function for argo
argox_mainmain function for argox
boot_rewrapper for bootstrap relative efficiency confidence interval
bootstrap_relative_efficiencybootstrap relative efficiency confidence interval each Google Trends file downloaded from Google Trends... each Google Trends file downloaded from website
heatmap_argoHeatmap plot of ARGO coefficients applied on CDC's ILI data
heatmap_corHeatmap plot of correlation matrix
load_dataParsing of raw data
load_reg_dataParsing of raw data for regional ILI estimation
logitlogit function
logit_invinverse logit function
parse_gt_weeklyParsing of Google Trends data
parse_unrevised_iliParsing of unrevised ili from online source
plot_argoTime series plot of ARGO applied on CDC's ILI data
summary_argoperformance summary of ARGO applied on CDC's ILI data
argo documentation built on May 31, 2023, 8:21 p.m.