asciicast-package: asciicast parameters

asciicast-packageR Documentation

asciicast parameters


You can set asciicast parameters in the header of the recorded R script. The header is in DCF format (see read.dcf()), but all lines are prefixed with ⁠#'⁠ comments.


The DCF header may specify arbitrary parameters. We list here the parameters that are interpreted by the asciicast functions.

Recording parameters:

  • allow_errors: Whether to cast errors properly. If this is set to TRUE, then asciicast overwrites the "error" option. Only change this if you know what you are doing.

  • cols: Width of the terminal, in number of characters.

  • empty_wait: How long to wait for empty lines in the script file, in seconds.

  • end_wait: Delay at the very end, in seconds.

  • env: Environment variables to include in the case JSON file. Defaults to list(TERM = "xterm-256color", SHELL = "/bin/zsh").

  • idle_time_limit: Time limit for the cast not printing anything, in seconds. By default there is no limit.

  • record_env: Environment variables to set for the R subprocess.

  • rows: Height of the terminal, in number of characters.

  • start_wait: Delay at the beginning, in seconds.

  • timeout: Idle timeout, in seconds If the R subprocess running the recording does not answer within this limit, it is killed and the recording stops. Update this for slow running code, that produces no output as it runs.

  • timestamp: Time stamp of the recording, defaults to Sys.time(), this is included in the cast JSON file.

  • title: Title of the cast, this is included in the cast JSON file.

  • typing_speed: Average typing speed, per keypress, in seconds.

Asciinema player parameters:

  • author: Author, displayed in the titlebar in fullscreen mode.

  • author_img_url: URL of the author's image, displayed in the titlebar in fullscreen mode.

  • author_url: URL of the author's homepage/profile. Author name (author above) is linked to this URL.

  • autoplay: Whether to start playing the cast automatically.

  • cols: Width of the terminal, in number of characters.

  • font_size: Size of terminal font. Possible values: small, medium, big, any css font-size value (e.g. 15px).

  • idle_time_limit: Time limit for the cast not printing anything, in seconds. By default there is no limit.

  • loop: Whether to loop the playback.

  • poster_frame: Which frame to use (in seconds) as the preview picture.

  • poster_text: Text to use as the preview picture. Defaults to the title.

  • rows: Height of the terminal, in number of characters.

  • speed: Whether to play slower or faster. 1 is normal speed.

  • start_at: Where to start the playback from, in seconds.

  • theme: Theme to use, currently it has to be a string, one of "asciinema", "tango", "solarized-dark", "solarized-light", "monokai". The first one is the default.

  • title: Title of the cast.

Parameters for SVG files:

  • at: Timestamp of single frame to render, in seconds.

  • cols: Width of the terminal, in number of characters.

  • cursor: Enable cursor rendering.

  • end_at: Upper range of timeline to render in seconds.

  • padding: Distance between text and image bounds.

  • padding_x: Distance between text and image bounds on x axis.

  • padding_y: Distance between text and image bounds on y axis.

  • rows: Height of the terminal, in number of characters.

  • start_at: Where to start the playback from, in seconds.

  • window: Render with window decorations.

  • theme: Theme to use, currently it has to be a string referring to a build-in theme, or a named list of theme properties, see default_theme(). The built-in themes are "asciinema", "tango", "solarized-dark", "solarized-light", "seti", "monokai", "github-light", "github-dark", "pkgdown" ,"readme". "readme" is a special theme the switches between light and dark mode automatically in files on GitHub.

See Also

Other asciicast functions: asciicast_start_process(), read_cast(), record(), write_json()

asciicast documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:24 a.m.