Man pages for astroFns
Astronomy: Time and Position Functions, Misc. Utilities

angSepAngular separation of two sky positions
astroFns-packageAstronomy: Time and Position Functions, Misc. Utilities
b2jB1950 to J2000 coordinate conversion
beamDiskOverlapGaussian beam and disk overlap with shift
dmjd2utDMJD to UT
dms2radDegrees, minutes, and seconds to radians
elevSource elevation
gmst1GMST1 (Greenwich Mean Siderial Time at 0h, UT1) from UT1 date
hms2radHours, minutes, and seconds to radians
j2bJ2000 to B1950 coordinate converstion
jd2ymdJD to year, month, date
planetFluxFlux density from a thermal disk
rad2dmsConvert radians to degrees, minutes, and seconds
rad2hmsConvert radians to hours, minutes, and seconds
ut2dmjdUT to DMJD
ut2lstUniversal time to local sidereal time or hour angle
ymd2jdYear, month, day to 0h on Julian day
astroFns documentation built on May 9, 2022, 1:05 a.m.