Man pages for augSIMEX
Analysis of Data with Mixed Measurement Error and Misclassification in Covariates

augSIMEXAnalysis of Data with Mixed Measurement Error and...
augSIMEX-packageR package for Analysis of Data with Mixed Measurement Error...
coef.augSIMEXExtract the coefficients from the fitted augSIMEX object
GeneRepeatExample data for univariate error-prone covariates in...
GeneUniExample of genetic data for univariate error-prone covariates
glmscoreScore Value in Generalized Linear Model
logLik.augSIMEXExtract the likelihood from the fitted augSIMEX object
plot.augSIMEXPlot of Extrapolation
predict.augSIMEXPredict Method for the model fits by augSIMEX
residuals.augSIMEXResiduals of the Fits Made by augSIMEX
summary.augSIMEXSummarizing the Adjusted Fits of Generalized Linear Model
ToyMultToy example data for multivariate error-prone covariates
ToyRepeatToy example data for univariate error-prone covariates in...
ToyUniToy example data for univariate error-prone covariates
vcov.augSIMEXExtract the variance-covariance matrix from the fitted...
augSIMEX documentation built on April 23, 2020, 5:08 p.m.