Man pages for auk
eBird Data Extraction and Processing in R

auk_bboxFilter the eBird data by spatial bounding box
auk_bcrFilter the eBird data by Bird Conservation Region
auk_breedingFilter to only include observations with breeding codes
auk_cleanClean an eBird data file (Deprecated)
auk_completeFilter out incomplete checklists from the eBird data
auk_countryFilter the eBird data by country
auk_countyFilter the eBird data by county
auk_dateFilter the eBird data by date
auk_distanceFilter eBird data by distance travelled
auk_durationFilter the eBird data by duration
auk_ebdReference to eBird data file
auk_ebd_versionGet the EBD version and associated taxonomy version
auk_exoticFilter the eBird data by exotic code
auk_extentFilter the eBird data by spatial extent
auk_filterFilter the eBird file using AWK
auk_get_awk_pathOS specific path to AWK executable
auk_get_ebd_pathReturn EBD data path
auk_last_editedFilter the eBird data by last edited date
auk_observerFilter the eBird data by observer
auk-package'auk': eBird Data Extraction and Processing in R
auk_projectFilter the eBird data by project code
auk_protocolFilter the eBird data by protocol
auk_rollupRoll up eBird taxonomy to species
auk_samplingReference to eBird sampling event file
auk_selectSelect a subset of columns
auk_set_awk_pathSet a custom path to AWK executable
auk_set_ebd_pathSet the path to EBD text files
auk_speciesFilter the eBird data by species
auk_splitSplit an eBird data file by species
auk_stateFilter the eBird data by state
auk_timeFilter the eBird data by checklist start time
auk_uniqueRemove duplicate group checklists
auk_versionVersions of auk, the EBD, and the eBird taxonomy
auk_yearFilter the eBird data to a set of years
auk_zerofillRead and zero-fill an eBird data file
bcr_codesBCR Codes
ebird_speciesLookup species in eBird taxonomy
ebird_stateseBird States
ebird_taxonomyeBird Taxonomy
filter_repeat_visitsFilter observations to repeat visits for hierarchical...
format_unmarked_occuFormat EBD data for occupancy modeling with 'unmarked'
get_ebird_taxonomyGet eBird taxonomy via the eBird API
read_ebdRead an EBD file
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
valid_protocolsValid Protocols
auk documentation built on Nov. 14, 2023, 5:10 p.m.