Major Syntax Changes


A number of changes have been introduced in the aurelius package to increase functionality, usability, and consistency to other R packages. These changes may cause existing scripts to fail because they are not backwards compatible with prior versions of the package. The purpose of this document is to make more clear these changes and how they can be implemented.

NOT_CRAN <- identical(tolower(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN")), "true")
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  purl = NOT_CRAN,
  eval = NOT_CRAN
## this is nice during development = on github
## this is not so nice for preparing vignettes for CRAN
#options(knitr.table.format = 'markdown')

avro.* functions

First, Avro functions were typically prefixed by avro.* with the function or object name following the period. Periods within function names in R usually indicate an S3 method, which is a way of specifying a function with different behavior based on the class of object that it's operating on. In this case, these functions within aurelius were not S3 methods, they were simply prefixed to make them more easily identifiable. In an effort to still make them easy to find through naming and tab completion, all of these functions now start with avro_*. In this case they are no longer confused as S3 methods. The behavior is exactly the same as prior to this superficial naming change.


# no longer in use

# avro.enum no longer in use
avro_enum(list("one", "two"))

pfa.* functions

Second, there were a number of functions within aurelius which were prefixed by pfa.*. These functions were supporting PFA document creation, such as, pfa.expr, which would convert an R expression to its PFA equivalent. However, in an effort to add producers to the package a generic S3 method pfa() has been introduced, which always produces a complete, valid PFA document from an R object (usually a model). These producers conflict because there are no models of class expr, which is how R interprets the function named pfa.expr(). In order to avoid this confusion these older pfa.* functions have been renamed to pfa_* similar to the change in Avro functions mentioned above.

# pfa.expr no longer in use
pfa_expr(quote(2 + 2))

Functions to Read & Write PFA

The two functions json() & unjson() have been renamed to read_pfa() and write_pfa(). The motivation was to make it more obvious the behavior of these functions since there are many JSON related functions, so it's not confusing as to what the function json() actually does. The new names were taken with inspiration from the xml2 package's naming conventions when dealing with XML documents. In addition to these name changes, the write_pfa() function has been modified to remove all whitespace which reduces the size of generated files. Tests with small documents showed ~10% reduction in size. This is similar to minifying a CSS file to improve speed.

# convert the lm object to a list-of-lists PFA representation
lm_model_as_pfa <- pfa(lm(mpg ~ hp, data = mtcars))

# save as plain-text JSON
write_pfa(lm_model_as_pfa, file = "my-model.pfa")

my_model <- read_pfa("my-model.pfa")

Functions to Create PFA

In addition to the changes in importing and exporting PFA, the function pfa.config() has been renamed to pfa_document() (also inspired by xml2 package). It provides a method for creating a PFA document and provides an option to check if the document is not valid PFA using Titus-in-Aurelius (pfa_engine()). Note, that using pfa_engine() requires the rPython package to be installed which has special instructions for Windows users.

pfa_document(input = avro_double, 
             output = avro_double, 
             action = expression(input + 10), 
             validate = FALSE)

More Support for Model Producers

The biggest change has been an expansion in model-to-PFA producers. Previously, only a couple model types were supported for a limited type of outputs, mainly for classification. Direct to PFA translation is available for almost all model types created by gbm, glmnet, and randomForest packages. More specifically:

In addition, there is an option to control the prediction types generated by the PFA. For example, you might prefer a multinomial glmnet model to return the predicted probabilies of each class, or you might prefer the PFA to return only the predicted class. The new pred_type option allows users to specify this behavior. There is also an argument cutoffs which is helpful for classification problems where the user might not want to use the default cutoff for determining the predicted class. For example, typically in binomial classification if the predicted probability exceeds 50%, then that class is predicted. Now, the cutoffs function allows predicted classes to be chosen whenever the ratio of predicted probability to the cutoff is highest. This strategy was adopted from randomForest.predict().

# generate data
x <- matrix(rnorm(100*3), 100, 3, dimnames = list(NULL, c('X1','X2', 'X3')))
g3 <- sample(LETTERS[1:3], 100, replace=TRUE)

# fit multinomial model without an intercept
multinomial_model <- glmnet(x, g3, family="multinomial", intercept = FALSE)

# convert to pfa, where the output is the predicted probability of each class
# the cutoffs specify that the predicted class should be the one 
# which is the largest relative to its specified cutoff.
multinomial_model_as_pfa <- pfa(multinomial_model, 
                                pred_type = 'response', 
                                cutoffs = c(A = .1, B = .2, C = .7))

S3 Methods to Extract and Build Models

In addition to new model producers S3 methods generic functions have been introduced as extract_params() and build_model() to provide a consistent way to retrieve model information that could be contructed into a PFA document. The purpose of having a consistent API is to better facilitate building PFA from model components whenever the user does not want to use a pre-canned producer.

# generate data
dat <- data.frame(X1 = rnorm(100), 
                  X2 = runif(100))
dat$Y <- ((3 - 4 * dat$X1 + 3 * dat$X2 + rnorm(100, 0, 4)) > 0)

# build the model
logit_model <- glm(Y ~ X1 + X2, data=dat, family = binomial(logit))

# extract the parameters

Test Coverage

Unit test coverage has been introduced mainly to test that the PFA produced by the pfa() functions behave similarly to their equivalent predict() functions in R. These tests are an excellent source of examples because they cover most all cases of utilizing the package functions.

Testing Predictions


# generate data
dat <- data.frame(X1 = rnorm(100), 
                  X2 = runif(100))
dat$Y <- 3 - 5 * dat$X1 + 3 * dat$X2 + rnorm(100, 0, 3)

# build the model
lm_model <- lm(Y ~ X1 + X2, data = dat)

lm_model_as_pfa <- pfa(lm_model)
lm_engine <- pfa_engine(lm_model_as_pfa)

# create the sample input vector
input <- list(X1=.5, X2=.5)

# test equality
                            newdata =,
             tolerance = .0001)

Test coverage exists even for functions that are not model producers. For example, their are test cases for using read_pfa() to check that the function behaves as expected for reading PFA from a string, a file, or a url.

Testing read_pfa()

model_as_list <- list(input='double', 
                      action=list(list(`+`=list('input', 10))))

# literal JSON string  (useful for small examples)
toy_model <- read_pfa(paste0('{"input": "double", ', 
                              '"output": "double", ', 
                              '"action": [{"+": ["input", 10]}]}'))
expect_identical(toy_model, model_as_list)

# from a local path, must be wrapped in "file" command to create a connection
file_conn <- file(system.file("extdata", "my-model.pfa", package = "aurelius"))
local_model <- read_pfa(file_conn)
expect_identical(local_model, model_as_list)

# from a url
url_conn <- url(paste0("",
url_model <- read_pfa(url_conn)
expect_identical(url_model, model_as_list)

Try the aurelius package in your browser

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aurelius documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:43 a.m.