basal_area: Basal area of tree trunks in TERN AusPlots

View source: R/basal_area.R

basal_areaR Documentation

Basal area of tree trunks in TERN AusPlots


Calculates basal area (or number of basal wedge hits) for each plot, using the raw basal wedge data returned from get_ausplots.


basal_area(veg.basal, by.spp=FALSE, by.hits=FALSE, 



Raw basal wedge data generated from get_ausplots.


Set to TRUE to get values per individual species in plots rather than combined values per plot.


Set to TRUE to return the number of individual basal wedge hits rather than basal area per se.


If by.spp=TRUE, set to "SN" to use "standardised_names" (the default), "HD" to use "herbarium_determination", and "GS" to use "genus_species". See details for explanation of each setting.


Stand basal area is the cross-sectional area of tree trunks per unit area, and is measured at each plot using a basal wedge sweep. Measurement is by species at nine points, and basal area (number of hits at a defined wedge angle multiplied by the basal wedge factor) is averaged across them (Finch 1957). Raw tree stem hits are also recorded, noting that the number of hits is dependent on the basal wedge factor in use. Note that species-level estimates of basal area (if requested in the function) may be unstable if there were fewer than 7 hits of that species.

species_name provides multiple options for calculating basal area if by.spp=TRUE. For example, if species_name="HD", the function will use the "herbarium_determination" provided by state herbaria to identify unique species. "herbarium_determination" are made to the lowest possible taxonomic rank, which may be the family, genus, species, subspecies or variety. If species_name="SN", the default, the function will use the the "standardised_name" to identify unique species. Values are based on the veg.PI$herbarium_determination but have been matched to the accepted scientific name according to the Australian Plant Census (APC: and the Australian Plant Name Index (APNI: The standardised name field therefore helps to ensure taxonomic consistency. It excludes any records that don't match the APC. If species_name="GS", only the standardised genus species rank ("genus_species" in the veg.basal input table) is used to identify species. species_name="GS" maximises consistency in species comparisons between plots, but reduces the taxonomic detail.


Returns a dataframe with rows for plots (or species by plots if by.spp=TRUE) and basal area (m2/ha) or hit scores as mean per plot/species across the 9 sweep points. Species means (if selected) are mean across all 9 sweep points, even if a species is recorded at fewer points.


Greg R. Guerin, Samantha E.M. Munroe


Finch, H.D.S. (1957) Plotless enumeration with angle gauges.Forestry 30, 173-192.

See Also



## Not run: 
#get basal wedge data for selected plots: <- get_ausplots(my.Plot_IDs=c("SATFLB0004", "QDAMGD0022", "NTASTU0002"),
site_info=FALSE, basal.wedge=TRUE)

#calculate basal area:

## End(Not run)

ausplotsR documentation built on Nov. 17, 2023, 9:06 a.m.