f1_score: Estimates the inverse f1 score, i.e. 0 is the best score and...

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f1_scoreR Documentation

Estimates the inverse f1 score, i.e. 0 is the best score and 1 the worst.


f1_score() estimates the inverse f1 scores on the individual and state levels.


f1_score(pred, data.valid, y, L2.unit)



Predictions of outcome. A numeric vector of outcome predictions.


Test data set. A tibble of data that was not used for prediction.


Outcome variable. A character vector containing the column names of the outcome variable.


Geographic unit. A character scalar containing the column name of the geographic unit in survey and census at which outcomes should be aggregated.


Returns a tibble containing two f1 prediction errors. The first is measured at the level of individuals and the second is measured at the context level. The tibble dimensions are 2x3 with variables: measure, value and level.

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