#' AutoKeras Text Regressor Model
#' AutoKeras text regression class.\cr
#' To `fit`, `evaluate` or `predict`, format inputs as:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{
#' x : array. The input data should be array. The data should be one
#' dimensional. Each element in the data should be a string which is a full
#' sentence.
#' }
#' \item{
#' y : array. The targets passing to the head would have to be array or
#' data.frame. It can be single-column or multi-column. The values should all
#' be numerical.
#' }
#' }
#' Important: The object returned by this function behaves like an R6 object,
#' i.e., within function calls with this object as parameter, it is most likely
#' that the object will be modified. Therefore it is not necessary to assign
#' the result of the functions to the same object.
#' @param output_dim : numeric. The number of output dimensions. Defaults to
#' `NULL`. If `NULL`, it will infer from the data.
#' @param loss : A Keras loss function. Defaults to use "mean_squared_error".
#' @param metrics : A list of Keras metrics. Defaults to use
#' "mean_squared_error".
#' @param name : character. The name of the AutoModel. Defaults to
#' "text_regressor".
#' @param max_trials : numeric. The maximum number of different Keras Models to
#' try. The search may finish before reaching the `max_trials`. Defaults to
#' `100`.
#' @param directory : character. The path to a directory for storing the search
#' outputs. Defaults to `tempdir()`, which would create a folder with the name
#' of the AutoModel in the current directory.
#' @param objective : character. Name of model metric to minimize or maximize,
#' e.g. "val_accuracy". Defaults to "val_loss".
#' @param overwrite : logical. Defaults to `TRUE`. If `FALSE`, reloads an
#' existing project of the same name if one is found. Otherwise, overwrites
#' the project.
#' @param seed : numeric. Random seed. Defaults to `runif(1, 0, 10e6)`.
#' @return A non-trained text regressor AutokerasModel.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library("keras")
#' # Get IMDb dataset
#' imdb <- dataset_imdb(num_words = 1000)
#' c(x_train, y_train) %<-% imdb$train
#' c(x_test, y_test) %<-% imdb$test
#' # AutoKeras procceses each text data point as a character vector,
#' # i.e., x_train[[1]] "<START> this film was just brilliant casting..",
#' # so we need to transform the dataset.
#' word_index <- dataset_imdb_word_index()
#' word_index <- c(
#' "<PAD>", "<START>", "<UNK>", "<UNUSED>",
#' names(word_index)[order(unlist(word_index))]
#' )
#' x_train <- lapply(x_train, function(x) {
#' paste(word_index[x + 1], collapse = " ")
#' })
#' x_test <- lapply(x_test, function(x) {
#' paste(word_index[x + 1], collapse = " ")
#' })
#' x_train <- matrix(unlist(x_train), ncol = 1)
#' x_test <- matrix(unlist(x_test), ncol = 1)
#' y_train <- array(unlist(y_train))
#' y_test <- array(unlist(y_test))
#' library("autokeras")
#' # Initialize the text regressor
#' reg <- model_text_regressor(max_trials = 10) %>% # It tries 10 different models
#' fit(x_train, y_train) # Feed the text regressor with training data
#' # If you want to use own valitadion data do:
#' reg <- model_text_regressor(max_trials = 10) %>%
#' fit(
#' x_train,
#' y_train,
#' validation_data = list(x_test, y_test)
#' )
#' # Predict with the best model
#' (predicted_y <- reg %>% predict(x_test))
#' # Evaluate the best model with testing data
#' reg %>% evaluate(x_test, y_test)
#' # Get the best trained Keras model, to work with the keras R library
#' export_model(reg)
#' }
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @export
model_text_regressor <- function(output_dim = NULL,
loss = "mean_squared_error",
metrics = NULL,
name = "text_regressor",
max_trials = 100,
directory = tempdir(),
objective = "val_loss",
overwrite = TRUE,
seed = runif(1, 0, 10e6)) {
if (!is.null(output_dim)) {
output_dim <- as.integer(output_dim)
model_name = "text_regressor",
model = autokeras$TextRegressor(
output_dim = output_dim, loss = loss, metrics = metrics, project_name = name,
max_trials = as.integer(max_trials), directory = directory,
objective = objective, overwrite = overwrite, seed = as.integer(seed)
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