Hospital Capacity Planning Using Discrete Event Simulation: Simmer

The simmer Model

Warmup Period (Burn in)

Elements of the Hospital System


Performing simmer Simulations

simRepeats <- 25

We will perform r simRepeats simulation runs (repeats with different seeds).

The following counter are used: \begin{itemize} \item "No Hospital Required" \item "Dead" \item \healed \end{itemize}

simmer Activities

 minVal <- 1e-6 
  # FactorPatientsInfectedToHealthy = 0.831, # wird nicht genutzt, sondern 1 - x17, ok
    # AmntDaysInfectedToHealed = 20.5, # wird nicht genutzt, ok
    # 2 Infiziert -> Krankenhaus Infected -> Hospital
    FactorPatientsInfectedToHospital = 0.169 # x17 
    AmntDaysInfectedToHospital = 8.4 # x1
    # Not used: Infected -> Ambulant
    # FactorPatientsInfectedToAmbulant = minVal
    # AmntDaysInfectedToAmbulant = minVal
    # 3 Krankenhaus -> Normalstation Hospital -> Normal
    FactorPatientsHospitalToNormal = minVal # fehlt (Differenz, ok)
    AmntDaysHospitalToNormal = minVal # nicht genutzt
    # 4 Krankenhaus -> Intensiv ohne Beatmung Hospital -> Intensive
    FactorPatientsHospitalToIntensive = 0.04  #0.012, # x18
    AmntDaysHospitalToIntensiv = minVal # nicht genutzt
    # 5 Krankenhaus -> Intensiv mit Beatmung Hospital -> Ventilation
    FactorPatientsHospitalToVentilation = 0.036 #x19
    AmntDaysHospitalToVentilation = minVal # nicht genutzt
    #6 Normalstation -> Healthy
    FactorPatientsNormalToHealthy = minVal # fehlt (Differenz, ok)
    AmntDaysNormalToHealthy = 11.6 #x2
    #7 Normalstation ->  Intensive
    FactorPatientsNormalToIntensive = 0.0506 #x20 
    AmntDaysNormalToIntensive = 1.25 # x3
    #8 Normalstation ->  Ventilation
    FactorPatientsNormalToVentilation = 0.1013 #x21
    AmntDaysNormalToVentilation = 3.63 #x4
    #9 Normalstation -> Verstorben Normal -> Death
    FactorPatientsNormalToDeath = 0.139 # x22
    AmntDaysNormalToDeath  = 11.4 # x5
    #10 Intensiv ohne Beatmung -> Aftercare
    FactorPatientsIntensiveToAftercare = 0.25 # dependent, not used
    AmntDaysIntensiveToAftercare = 7.0 # x6
    #11 Intensiv ohne Beatmung  -> Ventilation
    FactorPatientsIntensiveToVentilation = 0.25 # x23
    AmntDaysIntensiveToVentilation = 2.0 # x7
    #12 Intensiv ohne Beatmung -> Death
    FactorPatientsIntensiveToDeath = 0.25 # x24
    AmntDaysIntensiveToDeath = 2.0 # x8
    #12a Intensiv ohne Beatmung ->  Healthy
    FactorPatientsIntensiveToHealthy = 0.25 # x25
    AmntDaysIntensiveToHealthy = 13.0 # x9
    #13 Intensiv mit Beatmung -> Nachbehandlung Ventilation -> Aftercare
    FactorPatientsVentilationToAftercare = 0.08 # nicht benoetigt, Differenz, ok
    AmntDaysVentilationToAftercare = 9 # erhoeht, da mit #14 zusammen # x10
    #14 Intensiv mit Beatmung ->  IntensiveAfter
    FactorPatientsVentilationToIntensiveAfter = 0.42 # x26
    AmntDaysVentilationToIntensiveAfter = 23.0 #  x11
    #15 Intensiv mit Beatmung -> Death
    FactorPatientsVentilationToDeath = 0.50  # x27
    AmntDaysVentilationToDeath = 16 # x12
    #16 Nachbehandlung -> Healthy
    FactorPatientsAftercareToHealthy = 1 # 100% not used
    AmntDaysAftercareToHealthy = 21 # x30
    #17 I Intensiv ohne Beatmung II: IntensiveAfter -> Aftercare
    FactorPatientsIntensiveAfterToAftercare = 0.50 # dependent, not used
    AmntDaysIntensiveAfterToAftercare = 7.0 # x13

    #17 II Intensiv ohne Beatmung II: IntensiveAfter -> Healthy
    FactorPatientsIntensiveAfterToHealthy = 0.50 # x28
    AmntDaysIntensiveAfterToHealthy = 18.0 # x14

    #18 Intensiv ohne Beatmung II: IntensiveAfter -> Death
    FactorPatientsIntensiveAfterToDeath = 1e-5 # x29
    AmntDaysIntensiveAfterToDeath = 1 # x15
    GammaShapeParameter = 1.0 # x16
    # Not used 
    AmntDaysAmbulant = minVal # small value, if 0
    # is in conf: maxCapacity = 1e4
    AmntNursesPerPatient = 1
    # Risks based on age
    RiskFactorA = 0.02048948 #x31
    RiskFactorB = 0.01 #32
    RiskMale = 2.0 #x33

Durations are defined as activities, i.e., completion times are random draws from probability distributions.

Simmer Trajectories

Patients that do not require hospital are sent home. Here, we model state changes from the state infected.

Patients that die.

An aftercare patient requires one bed. The patient stays on average r AmntDaysAftercareToHealthy days in this bed. Afterwards, the counter \healed is incremented.

The resource \bed is released and the resource \intensiveBedVentilation is seized. The following trajectories can be reached: \begin{enumerate} \item Patients move to trajectory \death with probability \FactorPatientsVentilationToDeath after days. \item Patient move to trajectory \aftercare with probability (1- \FactorPatientsVentilationToDeath) after \AmntDaysVentilationToAftercare days. \end{enumerate}

The resource \bed is released and one resource \intensiveBed is seized. The following trajectories can be reached: \begin{enumerate} \item Patients move from \intensive to trajectory \ventilation with probability \FactorPatientsIntensiveToVentilation after \AmntDaysIntensiveToVentilation days \item Patients move from \intensive to trajectory \death with probability \FactorPatientsIntensiveToDeath after \AmntDaysIntensiveToDeath days \item Patients move from \intensive to trajectory \aftercare with probability \FactorPatientsIntensiveToAftercare after \AmntDaysIntensiveToAftercare days \end{enumerate}

The resource \bed is seized. The resource \nurse is seized \AmntNursesPerPatient times. The following trajectories can be reached: \begin{enumerate} \item Patients move from \ambulant to \healed after \AmntDaysAmbulant days \end{enumerate}

Normal Bed in the Hospital. The resource \bed is seized. The resource \nurse is seized r AmntNursesPerPatient times. The following trajectories can be reached: \begin{enumerate} \item Patients move from \normalStation to trajectory \intensive with probability \FactorPatientsNormalToIntensive = r FactorPatientsNormalToIntensive after r AmntDaysIntensiveToVentilation days \item Patients move from \normalStation to trajectory \death with probability \FactorPatientsNormalToDeath = r FactorPatientsNormalToDeath after r AmntDaysNormalToDeath days \item Patients move from \normalStation to trajectory \ventilation with probability \FactorPatientsNormalToVentilation = r FactorPatientsNormalToVentilation after r AmntDaysNormalToVentilation days \item Patients move from \normalStation to \healed with probability \FactorPatientsNormalToHealed = r (1- FactorPatientsNormalToIntensive - FactorPatientsNormalToDeath - FactorPatientsNormalToVentilation) after r AmntDaysNormalToHealthy days \end{enumerate}

Infected patient that comes to the hospital is immediately sent to a specific station. No resources are seized in this state. The following trajectories can be reached: \begin{enumerate} \item Patients move from \hospital to trajectory \intensive with probability \FactorPatientsHospitalToIntensive = r FactorPatientsHospitalToIntensive \item Patients move from \hospital to trajectory \ventilation with probability \FactorPatientsNormalToVentilation = r FactorPatientsHospitalToVentilation \item Patients move from \hospital to trajectory \normalStation with probability \FactorPatientsHospitalToNormal = r 1 -(FactorPatientsHospitalToIntensive + FactorPatientsHospitalToVentilation) \end{enumerate}

Initial Trajectory. Infected person becomes sick after r AmntDaysInfectedToHospital days and goes to the \hospital. No resources are seized in this state. The following trajectories can be reached: \begin{enumerate} \item Patients move from \infected to trajectory \transferout with probability \FactorPatientsInfectedToHealthy = r 1- FactorPatientsInfectedToHospital \item Patients move from \infected to trajectory \hospital with probability \FactorPatientsInfectedToHospital = r FactorPatientsInfectedToHospital \end{enumerate}

Starting One Simulation

simmer("Simulation") %>%
  add_dataframe("newInfected", infected, arrivalTimes, time = "absolute") %>%
  add_resource("bed", Amnt_Normal_Beds) %>%
  add_resource("intensiveBed", Amnt_Intensive_Care_Beds) %>%
               Amnt_Intensive_Care_Beds_Ventilation) %>%
  add_resource("nurse", Amnt_Nurses) %>%
  #add_resource("doctor",Amnt_Doctors) %>%
envs <- lapply(1:simRepeats, function(i) {
  simmer("Simulation") %>%
    add_dataframe("newInfected", infected, arrivalTimes, time = "absolute") %>%
    add_resource("bed", Amnt_Normal_Beds) %>%
    add_resource("intensiveBed", Amnt_Intensive_Care_Beds) %>%
                 Amnt_Intensive_Care_Beds_Ventilation) %>%
    add_resource("nurse", Amnt_Nurses) %>%
    #add_resource("doctor",Amnt_Doctors) %>%
AmntInfected = list( infectedPerDayCum, infectedPerDay)

Extract resources from simulation

resources <- get_mon_resources(envs)
## simple resource plot
print(plot(resources, steps=TRUE))
resources$time <- round(resources$time) ## Round Time to single days!

## If there are replicates, look for median, worst and best case scenario
resourcesMaxSystem <- resources %>% group_by(resource, time) %>%  mutate(upper = max(system)) %>%
    mutate(lower = min(system)) %>% mutate(med = median(system))

## Cutoff date for plotting
resourcesMaxSystem <- resourcesMaxSystem %>% filter(time <= (observedPeriod + 
                                                        as.numeric(as.Date(StartDateSimulation)- as.Date(StartDate))))

## Add simulations from other sources to plots
resourcesMaxSystem$source = "BuB"
resourcesMaxSystem <- resourcesMaxSystem %>% filter(resource != "nurse")

resourcesMaxSystem <- bind_rows(resourcesMaxSystem,
                                getDataFromFixedNumbers(0.027,0,0.013,  sickPerDay,"Köln"))
resourcesMaxSystem <- bind_rows(resourcesMaxSystem,
                                getDataFromFixedNumbers(0.14,0,0.03,  sickPerDay,"WHO"))
resourcesMaxSystem <- bind_rows(resourcesMaxSystem,
                                getDataFromFixedNumbers(0.1347,0.004,0.0171,  sickPerDay,"OBK"))
{p <- ggplot(resourcesMaxSystem,aes(x=date,y=med, color = source)) +
          geom_line() + 
          geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=lower, ymax=upper), alpha=0.3) + 
          facet_wrap(facets = vars(resource)) +

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