

expect_silent = function(x) {
  ok = try(eval.parent(substitute(x)), silent = TRUE)
  if (inherits(ok, "try-error"))
    stop(deparse(substitute(x)), " threw an error")

f = backports:::stopifnot
expect_error(f("Test" = 1 == 2), "Test")
expect_silent(f("Test" = 1 == 1))
expect_error(f("Test 1" = 1 == 2, "Test 2" = 2 == 2), "Test 1")
expect_error(f("Test 1" = 1 == 2, "Test 2" = 2 == 3), "Test 1")
expect_error(f("Test 1" = 1 == 1, "Test 2" = 2 == 3), "Test 2")
expect_silent(f("Test 1" = 1 == 1, "Test 2" = 2 == 2))

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backports documentation built on June 24, 2024, 5:24 p.m.