bayesGDS small test example 2

knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width=5, fig.height=3, collapse=TRUE)

This vignette is a test case of how to use the Braun and Damien (2015) algorithm to estimate a univariate posterior distribution.

The model is $$ \begin{aligned} x &\sim N(\mu, 1/\tau)\ \mu& = 100\ \tau &\sim gamma(.001, .001) \end{aligned} $$

$\tau$ is a precision parameter. We are estimating $\theta=\log\tau$, so $\text{var}(x)=\exp(-\theta)$.

The simulated dataset is 20 observations of $x$. The true standard deviation of $x$ is 5.

x <- rnorm(20, mean=100, sd=5)
nX <- length(x)

The log data likelihood, log prior, and log posterior are computed by the following functions. We assume that the mean $\mu$ is known.

## log-likelihood function
logL <- function(theta){
    sum( dnorm(x, mean=100, sd=exp(-.5*theta), log=TRUE) )

logPrior <- function(theta){
    dgamma(exp(theta), shape=0.001, scale=1000, log=TRUE) + theta

## Unnormalized log-posterior distribution function.
logPosterior <- function(theta){
    logL(theta) + logPrior(theta)

This problem has an analytical solution. We can sample from the posterior distribution of $\tau$ with the following function. We will use this function to compare our estimates with "truth."

n.draws <- 10000
tauPost.true <- rgamma(n.draws,

Running the algorithm

The first phase of the algorithm is to find the posterior mode $\theta^$. The Hessian at the mode is $H^$.

theta0 <- log(1/var(x))
fit0 <- optim( theta0,
              function(th){ -logPosterior(th) },
              hessian=TRUE ) <- fit0$par       ## Posterior mode <- as.vector(fit0$hessian) <- 1/   ## Inverse hessian of the posterior at the mode

  ## Value of log-posterior at
log.c1 <- logPosterior(

Next, we sample $M$ values from a proposal distribution $g(\theta)$. We will use a normal distribution as the proposal. The proposal mean is $\theta^$, and the proposal variance is $-sH^{-1}$, where $s=1.8$. This choice of $s$ is the smallest value that generates a valid proposal. We set $M$ to be large to reduce approximation error.

The sample.GDS function requires the proposal functions to take distribution parameters as a single list, so we need to write some wrapper functions.

logg <- function(theta, params){
    dnorm(theta, mean=params[[1]], sd=params[[2]], log=TRUE)
## Draw samples from the proposal distribution.
draw.norm <- function(N, params){
    rnorm(N, mean=params[[1]], sd=params[[2]])

M <- 20000
sSq <- 1.8
prop.params <- list(,
                    sigma = sqrt(sSq*

## Value of log(g(
log.c2 <- logg(, params=prop.params)
thetaM <- draw.norm(M, prop.params) <- sapply(thetaM, logPosterior)
log.prop.m <- sapply(thetaM, logg, params=list(, sqrt(sSq*
log.phi <- - log.prop.m + log.c2 - log.c1
valid.scale <- all(log.phi <= 0)

Now, we can sample from the posterior.

draws <- sample.GDS(n.draws = n.draws,
                    log.phi = log.phi,
                    post.mode =,
           = logPosterior,
                    fn.dens.prop = logg,
                    fn.draw.prop = draw.norm,
                    prop.params = prop.params,
                    announce = FALSE,
                    report.freq = 100

Checking results

The following plot compares the estimated posterior distribution of $\theta=\log\tau$ with samples from the analytically-derived posterior.

D <- data_frame(log.tau = draws$draws[,1])
G <- data_frame(log.tau = seq(-5, -1, length=100),
                y= dgamma(exp(log.tau),
P <- ggplot(D, aes(x=log.tau, y=..density..)) %>%
    + geom_histogram(fill="white", color="black")  %>%
        + geom_line(aes(x=log.tau, y=y), G, color="red")

We can also compare the point estimates and 95\% intervals for the standard deviation. The true standard deviation is $1/\sqrt{\tau}=5$. freq is the frequentist confidence interval, BD is this method, and true is the analytical solution.

## Point estimate and 95% credible interval for the standard deviation using GDS method

W <- data_frame(
    BD = exp(-.5*draws$draws[,1]),
    true = 1/sqrt(tauPost.true)
freq <- sd(x)*c(sqrt( (nX-1)/qchisq(c(.975,.5, .025), nX-1)))
quants <- melt(cbind(apply(W,2, quantile, p=c(.025, .5, .975)), freq))
colnames(quants) <- c("quantile","method","value")
tab <- dcast(quants, method~quantile)
knitr::kable(tab, digits=rep(3,4))

A simple table illustrates the efficiency of the method.

tmp <- table(draws$counts)
tab <- data.frame(count=c(1:9,"10+"), draws=c(tmp[1:9],sum(tmp[10:length(tmp)])))
knitr::kable(tab, row.names=FALSE)
acc.rate <- 1/mean(draws$counts)

We can use the method to estimate the log marginal likelihood of the data under the model.

LML <- get.LML(counts=draws$counts,
               log.phi = log.phi,
               post.mode =,
      = logPosterior,
               fn.dens.prop = logg,
               prop.params = prop.params

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bayesGDS documentation built on May 29, 2017, 11:26 p.m.