Man pages for bayesImageS
Bayesian Methods for Image Segmentation using a Potts Model

bayesImageSPackage bayesImageS
exactPottsCalculate the distribution of the Potts model using a brute...
getBlocksGet Blocks of a Graph
getEdgesGet Edges of a Graph
getNeighborsGet Neighbours of All Vertices of a Graph
gibbsGMMFit a mixture of Gaussians to the observed data.
gibbsNormFit a univariate normal (Gaussian) distribution to the...
gibbsPottsFit a hidden Potts model to the observed data, using a fixed...
initSedkiInitialize the ABC algorithm using the method of Sedki et al....
mcmcPottsFit the hidden Potts model using a Markov chain Monte Carlo...
mcmcPottsNoDataSimulate pixel labels using chequerboard Gibbs sampling.
resSimulation from the Potts model using single-site Gibbs...
res2Simulation from the Potts model using single-site Gibbs...
res3Simulation from the Potts model using single-site Gibbs...
res4Simulation from the Potts model using single-site Gibbs...
res5Simulation from the Potts model using single-site Gibbs...
smcPottsFit the hidden Potts model using approximate Bayesian...
sufficientStatCalculate the sufficient statistic of the Potts model for the...
swNoDataSimulate pixel labels using the Swendsen-Wang algorithm.
synthSimulation from the Potts model using Swendsen-Wang.
testResampleTest the residual resampling algorithm.
bayesImageS documentation built on April 11, 2021, 5:06 p.m.