Man pages for bayesLopod
Bayesian Inference of Landscape Occupancy from Presence-Only Data

Andropogon_shapeNumber of detection of Andropogon gerardii and it's target...
LopodData-classAn S4 class to contain data to be input into a bayesLopod...
lopodDensKernel density estimates of global occupancy model...
LopodModel-classAn S4 class containing a LopodModel.
lopodRasterCrate raster object for a parameter estimated in a LopodModel
lopodShapeCrate Shape object for a parameter estimated in a LopodModel
lopodSummarySummary statistics for a LopodModel
lopodTracePlots the values of model parameters for each chain across...
modelLopodRun a Bayes inference of Landscape Occupancy from...
modelParamsInternal function to extract parameters from a StanModel...
rasterDistToRecordsInternal - Create a Stack with distance matrices to sampled...
rasterLopodDataCreate a LopodData object from Raster data
rasterStudyAreaInternal - Create a Raster object with Study Area from Raster...
shapeLopodDataCreate a LopodData object from Raster data
simSpRecordsCoordinates for detections of a simulated species
simSpSamplingEffortCoordinates for sampling events targeting a simulated species
xyToRasterCrate Shape object for a parameter estimated in a LopodModel
bayesLopod documentation built on Jan. 4, 2018, 5:08 p.m.