Man pages for bayfoxr
Global Bayesian Foraminifera Core Top Calibration

bassriverBass River planktic foraminiferal calcite d18O.
get_available_foramsParse trace dataframe column names to get vector of available...
get_drawsGet MCMC trace draws.
plot.predictionPlot a 'prediction' object.
predict_d18ocPredict d18O of foram calcite given seawater temperature and...
predictionConstructor for S3 prediction class.
predictplotSimple plot of 'prediction' with intervals.
predict_seatempPredict sea-surface temperature given d18O of foram calcite...
quantile.predictionQuantiles for a 'prediction'.
target_timeseries_predInternal function for 'predict_seatemp()'.
bayfoxr documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:35 a.m.