Man pages for bclust
Bayesian Hierarchical Clustering Using Spike and Slab Models

bclustBayesian agglomerative clustering for high dimensional data...
bclustvsbclustvs (Bayesian CLUSTering with Variable Selection) is a...
bdiscrimdiscrimination using a Bayesian linear model
ditplotdendrogram-image-teeth plot
dptplotdendrogram-profile-teeth plot
gaelleMesserli et. al. metabolomic data
impcalculates variable and variable-cluster importances
loglikelihoodcomputes the model log likelihood useful for estimation of...
meancsscomputes statistics necessary for the evaluation of the log...
profileplota plot useful to visualise replicated data
teethplotproduces teeth plot useful for demonstating a grouping on...
viplotvariable importance plot
bclust documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:01 a.m.