Man pages for bcmixed
Mixed Effect Model with the Box-Cox Transformation

aidscd4CD4 Cells Count Data in Aids Randomized Controlled Clinical...
bcmargMarginal Model of the Mixed Effect Model with the Box-Cox...
bcmixedbcmixed: A package for mixed effect models with the Box-Cox...
bcmmrmModel Median Inference for Longitudinal Data in Randomized...
bcmmrmObjectFitted bcmmrm Object
bcregLinear regression model with the Box-Cox Transformation.
bctApplying the Box-Cox Transformation.
bct.vApplying the Box-Cox Transformation to a numeric vector.
boxplot.bcmmrmBox-whisker plot for a bcmmrm Object.
plot.bcmmrmPlot a bcmmrm Object.
summary.bcmmrmSummarize a bcmmrm Object.
bcmixed documentation built on March 31, 2020, 5:22 p.m.