Man pages for bdpar
Big Data Preprocessing Architecture

AbbreviationPipeClass to find and/or replace the abbreviations on the data...
BdparClass to manage the preprocess of the files throughout the...
bdparDataExample of the content of the files to be preprocessed.
bdpar.logWrite messages to the log at a given priority level using the...
bdpar.OptionsObject to handle the keys/attributes/options common to all...
ConnectionsClass to manage the connections with Twitter and YouTube
ContractionPipeClass to find and/or replace the contractions on the data...
DefaultPipelineClass implementing a default pipelining process.
DynamicPipelineClass implementing a dynamic pipelining process
emojisDataEmojis codes and descriptions data.
ExtractorEmlClass to handle email files with eml extension
ExtractorFactoryClass to handle the creation of Instance types
ExtractorSmsClass to handle SMS files with tsms extension
ExtractorTwtidClass to handle tweets files with twtid extension
ExtractorYtbidClass to handle comments of YouTube files with ytbid...
File2PipeClass to obtain the source field of an Instance
FindEmojiPipeClass to find and/or replace the emoji on the data field of...
FindEmoticonPipeClass to find and/or remove the emoticons on the data field...
FindHashtagPipeClass to find and/or remove the hashtags on the data field of...
FindUrlPipeClass to find and/or remove the URLs on the data field of an...
FindUserNamePipeClass to find and/or remove the users on the data field of an...
GenericPipeAbstract super class that handles the management of the Pipes
GenericPipelineAbstract super class implementing the pipelining process
GuessDatePipeClass to obtain the date field of an Instance
GuessLanguagePipeClass to guess the language of an Instance
InstanceAbstract super class that handles the management of the...
InterjectionPipeClass to find and/or remove the interjections on the data...
MeasureLengthPipeClass to obtain the length of the data field of an Instance
operator-pipebdpar customized forward-pipe operator
ResourceHandlerClass that handles different types of resources
runPipelineInitiates the pipelining process
SlangPipeClass to find and/or replace the slangs on the data field of...
StopWordPipeClass to find and/or remove the stop words on the data field...
StoreFileExtPipeClass to get the file's extension field of an Instance
TargetAssigningPipeClass to get the target field of the Instance
TeeCSVPipeClass to handle a CSV with the properties field of the...
ToLowerCasePipeClass to convert the data field of an Instance to lower case
bdpar documentation built on Aug. 22, 2022, 5:08 p.m.